[accident information] natural gas and steam pipelines were excavated at a construction site on Shanghai Road, Shiyan City

on February 19, the construction site of a building on Shanghai Road in Shiyan City accidentally dug out the buried natural gas pipeline and steam pipeline, resulting in the shutdown of the surrounding natural gas and steam supply


At present, Dongfeng zhongran company and Jingneng Shiyan thermal power company repair personnel are on-site repair


At about 2:00 p.m


The reporter learned from Dongfeng zhongran company that the gas pipeline of Meilong mansion branch line of Dongfeng zhongran company was dug out by the third-party closed construction, and the maintenance and rescue personnel have been on the spot to rush to repair


At 2:28 p.m., some people reported that a large amount of white smoke was emitted from the construction site of the first building on Shanghai road when a steam pipe was dug up


After receiving the hotline, when the reporter rushed to the scene at about 3 o’clock, there was no white smoke at the scene, warning signs of “gas emergency repair” were erected on the sidewalk of the construction site, and the emergency repair personnel of Dongfeng zhongran company and Jingneng Shiyan thermal power company were on the scene for emergency repair


The ThermoElectron Corporation of Shiyan can say that the steam pipeline has been cut down, and the big beauty champs, big Wutong and big Mei long have been stopped


The reporter tried to enter the construction area to find out, but was blocked by many construction personnel


[article source: Shiyan evening news, only for Industry sharing, if there is infringement, please contact Xiaobian to delete] pipeline accident operation and maintenance Xiaobian phone & wechat below! Du Jinli: 19933672180 selected from the previous period the latest statistics of the Ministry of housing and urban rural development: by the end of 2019, the national investment in municipal public facilities and the length of all kinds of pipelines (water supply, drainage, gas, heat) / / the Ministry of housing and urban rural development will further strengthen the construction of urban underground municipal infrastructure! Check account of underground infrastructure! The Ministry of housing and urban rural development will carry out the national survey of underground space! Relevant person in charge of the Ministry of housing and urban rural development interprets the guiding opinions on strengthening the construction of urban underground municipal infrastructure!.


The pipeline has been cut off, and the repair of gas pipeline will take about 8 hours


One of the construction personnel confirmed that the natural gas pipeline and steam pipeline were excavated during the construction
