Common illegal operation on construction site (civilized construction and secondary pollution)

Civilized construction violation: (the violator will be fined 500-5000 yuan) 1


Stacking equipment, materials and articles on both sides of the main road; 2


Failing to clean up and rectify the workplace before work; 3


Smoking in the non-smoking area of the construction site; 4


Messy offices, tool rooms and their front and back rooms; 5


Damage caused by improper management of fire equipment in the responsible area of civilized construction; 6


Power cables and ground for construction site There are no obvious signs for buried cables; 7


Temporary work shed is set up at the construction site without approval; 8


Bicycles and motorcycles entering the site are not parked at the designated place; 9


Equipment and materials are piled up in disorder; 10


Equipment and materials are stored at the site for more than the specified time; 11


Cable tray is used as ladder, platform or for other purposes; 12


Steel wire, lead wire and packaging materials are used after the construction is completed 13


Violation of other civilized construction regulations on site


Second pollution violation: (the violator will be fined 300-3000 yuan) 1


The lifting steel wire rope, scaffold tube and other objects are dragged on the completed ground; 2


The lifting steel wire rope directly rubs with other objects; 3


The lifting steel wire rope roots and causes damage to the rooting part; 4


The electric and fire welding operations do not take necessary protective measures (who uses is responsible); 5


The electric welding wire joint is not qualified It may cause damage to other objects; 6


It may cause damage to other objects when tools and instruments are placed; 7


It may cause damage to itself and other objects when materials and equipment are loaded, transported, unloaded and placed; 8


It may cause damage to other objects when stacked materials and equipment are unprotected; 9


Anti dripping and leakage measures are not taken for painting and painting; 10


It may cause damage to other objects when materials and equipment are not protected No measures were taken for the construction and walking on the waterproof roof; 11


Polluted or damaged the painted or painted objects or walls; 12


Used electricity and fire welding on the equipment and objects at will; 13


Used electricity and fire welding on the equipment and objects with approval, and did not polish after completion; 14


There was no isolated mixing concrete and other building materials on the ground; 15


After using fire-fighting facilities The residue was not cleaned up in time


(responsible person); 16


Improper management and use of corrosive drugs (acid, alkali, etc.); 17


Random urination and urination; 18


Graffiti on equipment and objects; 19


Stepping on small-diameter pipes and cabinets; 20


Unprotected scaffolding on the completed floor; 21


Opening and digging holes at will; 22


Possible damage to walls and other objects when using ladders; 23


Random demolition and damage has been completed 24


There are no anti splash and flow measures during the construction of terrazzo floor; 25


The discharged sewage is not correctly led to the sewer and inspection well; 26


Damage to the installed doors, windows and glass; 27


Installation of components and equipment without cleaning; 28


Random removal or damage to the installed equipment; 29


Arbitrary dumping of industrial and domestic waste; 30


Vehicle driving or staying In the construction of residential buildings, there are many problems, such as the collapse of drainage channels, underground components and non pressure pavement; 31


Crawler machinery driving on concrete roads does not take protective measures for the pavement; 32


It is not cleaned in time after working in the civilized construction responsibility area; 33


The wall and equipment are polluted when cleaning the ground; 34


The dirt and oil pollute other objects during the installation, maintenance and repair of mechanical equipment China Construction Industry Press price: 189 yuan discount price: 185 yuan publishing time: 2020-9 if you need to know more about this book or buy this book, please press the QR code to solemnly declare: all the books sold in this bookstore are genuine books authorized by each publishing house, and each publishing house will provide the invoice


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