Obstruction of river construction! Three villagers in Jinan were convicted by the court of the crime of gathering people to disturb social order

Jinan, Qilu: with the rapid development of economy and the acceleration of urbanization, problems such as land demolition compensation and land contract construction also follow


Jinan high tech Zone is in the stage of development and construction


In the construction process of some projects, lawless elements will maliciously instigate the masses to obstruct the construction, and even seriously affect the normal construction of key projects and the investment environment of high tech Zone


Jinan Intermediate People’s court reported that the court of Jinan high tech Zone tried a case of the crime of gathering people to disturb social order in public, which effectively maintained the security and stability of the jurisdiction


According to the investigation, all the three defendants were villagers in Jinan high tech Industrial Development Zone


From July to October 2015, when a certain Engineering Bureau of Shandong Province was in the construction of the second bid section of a river regulation project in Jinan high tech Zone, song a, Song b, song C and others led the old people in the village to sit around the construction machinery, throw stones at the construction machinery, threaten with words, snatch video equipment and other means, repeatedly obstructed the entry and construction of a certain Engineering Bureau of Shandong Province, and asked for the winning of the project It must be done by them, otherwise the construction will be obstructed and the normal construction of the project will not be carried out within four months


After auditing, the total loss of an Engineering Bureau in Shandong Province is 298200 yuan


Results during the trial of this case, the three defendants had no objection to the facts, charges and sentencing suggestions charged by the public prosecution organ, and voluntarily signed the “confession of guilt and punishment” and had no objection during the trial


In accordance with the provisions of the first paragraph of article 290 of the criminal law of the people’s Republic of China, the court of Jinan high tech Zone sentenced the defendants song a, Song b and song C to seven months’ imprisonment and one year’s probation respectively


Judge Zhang Zhao reminded: when the construction department encounters obstruction from villagers during normal construction, it is necessary to keep calm first to avoid casualties caused by intensified contradictions; secondly, arrange personnel to communicate with each other in time or contact the village committee for negotiation


If the villagers are not willing to deal with the matter through consultation or the means of obstruction are bad, they can contact the local public security organs to stop it, so as to avoid further deterioration of the situation


At the same time, the lawless elements and the relevant personnel who are instigated and used are warned that no unit or individual should obstruct the normal construction of the project


If they think that their own interests are damaged, they should protect their rights through legal channels to avoid violating the law


If the lawless elements force to take the project, incite others to rush for construction materials, make trouble, buy and sell, they will be punished by law


 —— THE 
