Buzzing, buzzing, buzzing, buzzing, buzzing, buzzing, buzzing, buzzing, buzzing, buzzing, buzzing, buzzing, buzzing, buzzing, buzzing, buzzing, buzzing, buzzing, buzzing, buzzing

Professor Li candong of Fujian University of traditional Chinese medicine and chief physician Chen shujiao of the third people’s Hospital Affiliated to Fujian University of traditional Chinese medicine provided the professional knowledge of this article? I beg your pardon? Can you repeat that? Still can’t hear clearly..


“Tututui Tui Tui”, “wengwu” and “zizizi” are being built again


I think it’s better to bear it


In fact, tinnitus is not so simple


Don’t take it seriously


Be careful what is deafness tinnitus? Tinnitus is first seen in Huangdi Neijing, which has different names such as “cicada”, “ear deficiency” and “bitter” tinnitus


The symptoms of tinnitus vary greatly from person to person, and can occur in one ear or in one ear The sound of tinnitus may vary from cicada, running water, machinery, blood vessel pulsation, etc.


It’s a symphony


Why does tinnitus appear? The kidney enlightens the ears


Jingyue Quanshu points out that “if the kidney qi is sufficient, the ears will hear and see clearly”, but tinnitus can not be ignored It’s not just kidney deficiency


TCM believes that the dysfunction of liver, spleen and kidney can cause tinnitus


The excess syndrome is related to liver and spleen, while the deficiency syndrome is related to spleen and kidney


In addition, the imbalance of Qi and blood in the five zang organs and twelve meridians can also cause tinnitus


What’s the harm of tinnitus? As the saying goes, “if you sing for a long time, you will be deaf.” a small tinnitus will cause serious harm to people’s physical and mental health


Around 2021, Mr


Zou discovered his own problem Tinnitus often occurs in the left ear


It does not affect life in the daytime, but it is especially obvious in the dead of night




Zou thought it was common tinnitus, which should be able to relieve itself


But half a month later, Mr


Zou’s tinnitus symptoms continued, so he went to the Department of Otolaryngology, North District, Suzhou Municipal Hospital


After examination, it was found that Mr


Zou’s left ear high-frequency hearing was 60 dB, which belonged to severe deafness


He was diagnosed as sudden deafness in ENT department and was admitted to hospital


(Jiangsu daily) a doctor in the Department of Otolaryngology of a municipal hospital recently treated a man in his 50s


He told the doctor that his ears were stuffy and tinnitus for more than a week, which seriously affected his life


According to the medicine recommended by doctors on the Internet, it’s not good to take it


At the doctor’s suggestion, he accepted the hearing test, his right ear hearing loss, is a typical sudden deafness


Fortunately, the onset time is not too long, and timely treatment still has the hope of keeping hearing


(Wuhan Evening News) don’t be careless about sudden tinnitus


If it is manifested as unilateral hearing loss or accompanied by tinnitus, ear blockage, dizziness, nausea and vomiting, we should be alert to “sudden deafness” and treat it in time


How to prevent and treat tinnitus? Huangdi Neijing points out that “deficiency makes up for it, while reality makes up for it” in treating tinnitus The tinnitus of deficiency syndrome has a slow onset and a long course


The loudness of tinnitus is higher than that of low tone


The tinnitus aggravates after fatigue


In addition, the tinnitus should be classified on the basis of deficiency syndrome and excess syndrome


The tinnitus is sudden and the sound is relatively small


Generally, the symptoms of cold, such as sneezing, runny nose, cough, etc., may be caused by wind heat


Tinnitus suddenly attacks, the sound is relatively loud, generally related to mood, may also have headache, dizziness and other symptoms, we should consider the cause of liver fire


Tinnitus occurs for a long time, especially in the elderly


The sound is like the cry of cicada


The sound is relatively low, and there may be backache, dizziness, etc., which may be related to kidney deficiency


Tinnitus for a long time, tinnitus aggravates after exercise and fatigue, and generally has symptoms such as fatigue and weakness, poor appetite, thin stool, etc


After clarifying the cause of tinnitus, different methods should be adopted according to different types of deficiency


Tonifying the kidney, replenishing qi and nourishing blood are the main methods


Exogenous wind and heat should be evacuated


Liver fire should be disturbed


Clearing liver and purging fire should be used


How to prevent tinnitus? Acupoint massage: 1


Listen to the palace point: with the index finger or thumb, press and knead gently for 5 minutes every day


Listen to the palace point in front of the ear and open the mouth depression




Hegu Point: it is located in the center of the first and second metacarpal bones


Regular massage of this point can relieve tinnitus




Ears: rub the palms of both hands hot, cover the ears with the palms of rubbing hot, and then release, repeat 30 times


Ear acupuncture therapy: 1, take ear, inner ear, Shenmen, kidney, between screen, pillow and other points, medium stimulation




Take the inner ear, kidney, liver, Shenmen, moderate stimulation, keep the needle for 15-20 minutes, 10-15 times as a course of treatment, or bury the needle


The above acupuncture treatment should be operated by a licensed Chinese medicine practitioner


Guiding skill: attack and explore the sky drum, also known as Ming sky drum


Operation: first massage the auricle with two palms, then press the two palms close to the external auditory canal, place the index finger, middle finger, ring finger and little finger symmetrically in the occipital part of the brain, then put the two middle fingers on the middle finger, then slide down and flick the back brain, you can hear the sound of drumming in the ear


It is recommended to do it 24 times with the left hand and then 24 times with the right hand


Finally, both hands percussion 48 times at the same time


Efficacy: clear mind, prevent tinnitus and deafness


Note: it is not suitable for patients with otitis media or tympanic membrane perforation


Daily care: 1


Have an optimistic and open-minded attitude towards life




Avoid staying in high DB noise environment for a long time




It is necessary to avoid or use ototoxic drugs cautiously, smoke less and drink less




Life should be regular and keep enough sleep




If you have tinnitus at night, you can soak your feet with hot water before going to bed, or rub Yongquan acupoint on the sole of your feet with your hand to make it extremely hot, which has the effect of igniting fire to the original




Before going to bed taboo “drink strong tea, coffee, cocoa, alcohol and other stimulant drinks, quit smoking habits.”


From now on, keep away from tinnitus and keep your ears clean


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