Exercise set of construction management for secondary constructor (6)

one   If a project supervision unit fails to perform its supervision obligations in accordance with the contract, or fails to inspect the items that should be supervised or inspected in accordance with the provisions, thus causing losses to the construction unit, it shall bear the corresponding liabilities(   )。 A


  legal responsibility            B


  Liability for breach of contract C   Liability for compensation            D


  Joint and several liability 2   China’s construction project supervision belongs to the international level(   ) The scope of the study




  Owner’s project management         B


  Consultant project management C   Investor project management         D


  Project management of government departments 3   According to the side station supervision scheme formulated by the supervision enterprise, the construction enterprise shall carry out the construction before the key parts and key processes of the side station supervision need to be implemented(   ), The project supervision organization dispatched to the construction site by the supervision enterprise shall be notified in writing




  12 hours             B


  48 hours C   24 hours             D


  36 hours 4   It is necessary to make specific regulations on the scope of construction projects subject to compulsory supervision(   )。 A


Construction Law of the people’s Republic of China     B


Bidding Law of the people’s Republic of China C


regulations on quality management of construction projects     D


Standard regulations on the scope and scale of construction project supervision 5   The main content of project construction supervision is to control construction investment, construction period and project quality; Carry out engineering construction(   ), To coordinate the working relationship among relevant units




  supervision            B


  Dynamic control C   Site management            D


  Contract management 6   If the project supervision unit colludes with the contractor to seek illegal interests for the contractor and cause losses to the construction unit, it shall bear the responsibility with the contractor(   )。 A


  Joint liability          B


  Joint and several liability c   Joint and several liability for breach of contract          D


  Joint liability 7  《 According to the construction law of the people’s Republic of China, professional and technical personnel engaged in construction activities shall obtain corresponding training according to law(   ) Certificate, and engaged in construction activities within the scope of its permission




  Technical title            B


  Qualification C   register              D


  Position 8   Internationally, the services provided by construction supervision units are classified as(   ) Services




  Engineering consulting            B


  Project management C   Engineering supervision            D


  Project planning 9   The supervision unit is one of the main bodies of the construction market, and the construction supervision is a kind of high intelligent management(   )。 A


  Principal agent service          B


  Supervision and management services C   Agency service          D


  Paid technical service 10    The supervision unit and the project legal person are entrusted and entrusted(   )。 A


  Agency relationship         B


  Legal relations C   Contractual relationship         D


  Economic relations 11   Construction project supervision activities refer to the engineering supervision enterprises with corresponding qualification levels, entrusted by the construction units, undertaking their project management work and performing their duties to the contractors(   ) To supervise and manage the behavior of the enterprise




  Quality standard of Construction Engineering            B


  Construction contract C   Compulsory standards for engineering construction           D


  Design standard 12   The state promotes the construction project supervision system(   ) The scope of construction projects subject to compulsory supervision can be specified




  Ministry of construction           B


  State Council C   State Planning Commission          D


  Local government 13   The purpose of carrying out construction project supervision system in China is(   )。 A


  Ensure the quality of engineering construction        B


  Improve the level of engineering construction C   In line with international practice         D


  Give full play to investment benefit E   Actively cultivate the construction market   The main content of engineering construction supervision is control(   ); To manage the project construction contract and coordinate the working relationship between relevant units




  Project construction investment          B


  Construction period C   Project construction quality          D


  Project construction cost E   Construction safety 15   The supervision of construction projects shall, in accordance with laws, administrative regulations, relevant technical standards, design documents and construction project contracts, supervise the construction projects of the contractors(   ) On behalf of the construction unit to implement supervision




  Organization and coordination            B


  Construction quality C   Construction period            D


  Construction scheme E   Use of construction funds 16   According to the regulations of construction project quality management, the supervision engineer should take measures according to the requirements of engineering supervision specifications(   ) And other forms to supervise the construction project




  Stand by             B


  Quality inspection C   Inspection tour             D


  Parallel test E   Rectification 17  《 The construction law of the people’s Republic of China stipulates: before the implementation of construction project supervision, the construction unit shall(   ), A written notice shall be given to the construction enterprise under supervision




  Project supervision unit          B


  Name of chief supervision engineer C   Contents of supervision          D


  Supervision authority E   Scope of supervision 18   The supervision of construction projects should be carried out in accordance with(   ), Supervise the contractor on behalf of the construction unit in terms of construction quality, construction period and use of construction funds




  Laws and administrative regulations         B


  Relevant technical standards C   Project proposal          D


  Design document E   Construction contract 19   The project supervisor thinks that the project construction does not meet the requirements(   ) They have the right to ask the construction enterprises to make corrections




  Engineering technical requirements          B


  Supervision planning C   Supervision implementation rules          D


  Contract agreement E   Construction technology standard    1C2A3C4D5D6B7B8A9D10C11B12B13ABD14ABC15BCE16ACD17ACD18ABDE19ADE。
