The special scheme of pipe jacking construction has been worked out step by step for you!

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Pipe jacking construction is a trenchless construction method, which is a kind of trenchless or less excavated pipeline embedding construction technology


Today, let’s learn from three aspects how to prepare the exclusive construction scheme for pipe jacking! 1、 The basic concept of construction organization design and construction scheme 1


The general construction organization plan is a construction organization design which is made up of several unit projects or super large projects


It plays a role of unified planning and key control in the construction process of the whole project




The construction organization plan for unit project is a construction organization design which takes the unit (sub unit) project as the main object


It plays a guiding and restricting role in the construction process of the unit (sub unit) project


For the project that has prepared the general design of construction organization, the construction organization design of unit project should be the further concretization of the general design of construction organization, and directly guide the construction management and technical and economic activities of unit project




Construction scheme refers to the construction technology and organization scheme, which is mainly prepared for divisional (sub divisional) projects or special projects to guide the construction process


Construction scheme is also called construction organization design of divisional (sub divisional) project or special project at some time, but considering that construction scheme is the further refinement of construction organization design and the supplement of construction organization design, some contents of construction organization design need not be repeated in construction scheme, so it is defined as construction scheme II, construction organization design and construction party The construction organization design is the basic technical and economic document for the construction enterprise to guide the preparation and implementation of a proposed project


It is a comprehensive plan and arrangement for the construction preparation and the whole construction process of the proposed project (single or unit project) in terms of human, financial, material, time, space, technology and organization


The construction scheme is a comprehensive plan and arrangement for the unit project The analysis of a construction technology and construction method in a project or sub project is to select the feasible and optimal construction technology and method through the technical and economic analysis of the labor, materials, machinery costs and construction period consumed in the construction process under the condition of reasonable organization


For some construction difficulties and key divisional and subdivisional works, it is often necessary to prepare special construction schemes




The connection between construction organization design and construction scheme (1) the relationship between the whole and the part


The construction organization design is the whole, and the construction scheme is the part


The construction scheme is an indispensable part of the construction organization design of the project


The construction scheme without the construction organization design has no guiding significance and cannot guide the construction


(2) The relationship between guidance and being guided the preparation of the construction scheme must be carried out under the overall planning and overall deployment of the construction organization design; the construction scheme is always prepared and implemented under the guidance of the construction organization design




Differences between construction organization design and construction scheme (1) different purposes of preparation: construction organization design is to make careful arrangements for the selection of human and material resources, time and space layout, etc


in construction, and to make clear the construction scheme according to the requirements of all aspects; construction scheme is to prepare the specific construction technology and method of a certain part, so as to ensure the quality requirements and safe and civilized construction requirement


(2) The content of compilation is different: the object of compilation of construction organization design is the whole project


It involves all aspects of engineering construction, including the division of project organization, the selection of construction scheme, the construction sequence, the optimization of configuration and the saving of various production factors, etc.; the objects of construction scheme preparation are usually divisional and subdivisional projects


The compilation contents include engineering concept, difficulties and key points in construction, selection of construction methods and specific construction methods, etc


(3) Different emphasis: the construction organization design focuses on the plan, and the construction scheme focuses on the implementation


(4) The starting point is different: the construction organization design is from the perspective of project decision-making management, and the construction scheme is from the perspective of project implementation


3、 Preparation of pipe jacking special scheme 1


Format requirements: preparation instructions for construction organization design (special construction scheme) of municipal group 2


Content 1


According to safety management measures for more dangerous divisional and subdivisional works, pipe jacking works belong to more dangerous divisional and subdivisional works with a certain scale


Article 7 the compilation of a special plan shall include the following contents: (1) general situation of the project: general situation of divisional and sub divisional projects with greater risks, construction plane layout, construction requirements and technical guarantee conditions


(2) Preparation basis: relevant laws, regulations, normative documents, standards, specifications and drawings (national standard atlas), construction organization design, etc


(3) Construction plan: including construction schedule, material and equipment plan


(4) Construction technology: technical parameters, process flow, construction method, inspection and acceptance, etc


(5) Construction safety assurance measures: organization guarantee, technical measures, emergency plan, monitoring, etc


(6) Labor plan: full time safety production management personnel, special operation personnel, etc


(7) Calculation sheet and related drawings




According to the implementation rules of the measures for safety management of divisional and subdivisional works with greater risks (YJZ [2011] No


13), the following contents are further clarified and added on the basis of the management measures: (V) → (VI) project safety management organization structure (including the name, position, job responsibilities and contact number of relevant personnel), construction safety technical measures and response First aid plan, monitoring measures, etc


Add → (7) the establishment of the plan, the list of auditors and their educational background, major, professional title, position, etc


(6) (8) list of full-time safety production management personnel and special operation personnel of the project department and their safety production assessment certificates and special operation qualification certificates


3、 Compilation basis: 1


Laws, regulations and documents related to engineering construction; 2


Current relevant national standards and technical and economic indicators; 3


Approval documents of administrative departments in the region where the project is located, and requirements of the construction unit for construction; 4


Engineering construction contract or bidding documents; 5


Engineering design documents; 6


Site conditions and construction conditions within the scope of engineering construction The main contents of this paper are as follows: 1


Natural conditions such as engineering geology, hydrogeology and meteorology; 7


Resource supply related to the project; 8


Production capacity, machinery and equipment status and technical level of the construction enterprise


Preparation points and precautions: construction organization design is also one of the bases




Relevant laws, regulations and documents shall be listed




Accuracy, applicability and timeliness of standards and specifications shall be noted




There may be multiple technical specifications and only one applicable inspection and evaluation specification




Project overview


Project overview shall include: overall introduction of the project, overview of divisional and subdivisional works with high risk and construction plan Key points and precautions for drawing layout, construction requirements and technical guarantee conditions: 1


The general situation of the project should be simple; 2


The general situation of the sub projects described in this scheme should be comprehensive, including the main situation of the sub projects, design brief introduction and construction conditions.
