“May Day” we stick to the front line of construction

During the May Day holiday, people travel and enjoy the scenery, visit relatives and friends, or chat and get together


While most people enjoy a relaxed holiday, in order to seize the favorable weather and speed up the construction, all staff of g246 project give up the holiday rest, fight for the front line with full enthusiasm, stick to the construction site for May Day, and set off a new round of upsurge


When we walk into the construction site of g246 project, we can see that excavators, earth moving vehicles and other machinery are working in a tense and orderly manner; Construction personnel perform their duties and stick to their posts; Everywhere you can see the busy figure of workers and the roar of machinery, a scene of construction in full swing


Compaction degree detection of graded gravel layer in order to earnestly implement the relevant requirements of the higher authorities on the safety prevention work during the May Day holiday, at 7:00 a.m


on May 1, the project leading group, all staff and the persons in charge of each construction team held a centralized special study meeting


The meeting conveyed and studied the speech outline of the May Day holiday safety prevention work scheduling meeting – deputy director   Han Jianbo


The meeting required that, first, all project personnel should fully understand the situation of safety production during the May Day holiday, grasp the key points, strictly prevent the occurrence of accidents, and earnestly implement various safety precautions during the holiday to ensure the safety situation of the project management department is stable


Second, it is necessary to maintain the normal safety precautions to ensure the effective implementation of the investigation, supervision and management of hidden dangers in project safety production


It is necessary to establish the safety production concept of “safety first, life first” and adhere to the principle of “everyone stresses safety and everything ensures safety”; Third, it is necessary to strengthen the on-site hidden danger elimination during the holidays, so as to achieve full coverage of hidden danger investigation


To hold a special topic study meeting|   He Haixia pictures  | Edited by he Haixia  |  Approved by Guo Mingxuan  | Liao Hailong   。
