The basis of laws and regulations for construction safety risk assessment, and the relationship between construction safety risk assessment and safety management regulations of large and dangerous projects

What is the basis of construction safety risk assessment? Recently, the Ministry of communications has given a reply on the basis of laws and regulations for the construction safety risk assessment of highway and waterway engineering construction, and the relationship between the construction safety risk assessment and the safety management regulations of large and dangerous projects! Question 1: in the measures for the supervision and administration of production safety of highway and Waterway Engineering (Order No


25, 2017, issued by the Ministry of transport of the people’s Republic of China), Article 24: “the construction of highway and waterway engineering shall implement the risk management of production safety, and carry out the safety risk assessment of design and construction according to the regulations.” What is the “regulation” in this article? The reply of the Ministry of communications is as follows: Article 24 of the measures for the supervision and administration of production safety of highway and Waterway Engineering (Order No


25, 2017 of the Ministry of transport): “the construction of highway and waterway engineering shall implement the risk management of production safety, and carry out the safety risk assessment of design and construction according to the regulations.” The “according to regulations” here mainly refers to the management measures, industry standards or assessment guidelines related to the safety risk assessment of highway and Waterway Engineering Construction issued by the Ministry of transport or provincial transportation authorities


At present, the Ministry of transport has issued guidelines for safety risk assessment of highway bridge and tunnel engineering construction (jzjf [2011] No


217), guidelines for safety risk assessment of highway cutting high slope engineering construction (jzjf [2014] No


266), and guidelines for safety risk assessment of port engineering construction (coastal Wharf Bank protection and breakwater volume) (Jiao’an Jian Fa [2017] No




Question 2: the relationship between construction safety risk assessment and safety management regulations of large and dangerous projects


Both of them are important measures in construction safety management, and they complement each other


Construction safety risk assessment focuses on the investigation of risk sources; The management of large and dangerous projects focuses on the governance of risk sources


In order to implement the relevant requirements for the management of large and dangerous projects, the Ministry of transport has formulated the technical specification for the safety of highway engineering construction (jtgf90-2015) and the measures for the management of safe construction sites of highway and water transport projects (Jiao’an Jian Fa [2018] No


43), which have specified the scope and requirements of large and dangerous projects《 The technical code for construction safety of Highway Engineering (jtgf90-2015) is a compulsory standard of the industry


The relevant requirements of the dangerous projects mentioned in the code should be strictly observed in the construction..
