▶ Irritating! Lingshan unscrupulous developers construction earthquake crack 11 houses

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Wang of Lingshan County reported to the client of Nanguo Zaobao that in April 2020, the floor of the living room on the first floor of her neighbor’s house collapsed


Not long after, cracks appeared in her 11 houses, some of which could reach into the palm of an adult


The residents believed that this was caused by the construction of a nearby project


For more than a year, the large pit has been filled, but the house cracks and foundation reinforcement have not been treated


On May 7 this year, the developer said that after the third party appraisal, the impact of the project construction on the cracks in the house is very small


The company and the residents have negotiated for many times, but they have not reached an agreement


The Department of housing and urban rural development said that it would continue to organize and coordinate


If mediation fails, it is suggested that residents take judicial measures to solve the problem


Resident: next to the project construction, the house is now large pits and cracks


According to Ms


Wang, their house was built in Lingcheng insurance residential area in 1995


In 2019, a 15 story apartment building will be built nearby


In November of that year, the project began to dig the foundation


When piling, the machine vibrated, and the house could feel a slight shaking


On April 27, 2020, a large pit, about 3 meters long, 2.6 meters wide and 1.8 meters deep, appeared on the first floor of her neighbor Mr


Yu’s house


A big hole in the living room of Ms


Wang’s neighbor Mr




After Ms


Wang provided the picture, Ms


Wang and others went back to inspect their houses and found many cracks


Residents believe that the large pit in Mr


Yu’s house and the cracks in the surrounding houses are caused by the construction nearby


Lingshan County Bureau of housing and urban rural development staff came to inspect and found that the project did not go through the construction permit procedures


Cracks in Ms


Wang’s house




Wang said that after the coordination of the housing and construction department, the developer entrusted a qualified third-party agency to test, issued a housing foundation reinforcement scheme and organized its implementation, and the residents and the developer signed a preliminary foundation reinforcement agreement


However, over the past year or so, residents have repeatedly asked the developers to reinforce their houses and pay 10% compensation according to the housing market valuation


However, the developers have not taken any reinforcement measures or made any compensation so far


“Now there are more and more cracks in the houses, and they are not at ease.” Miss Wang’s house sinks


On the afternoon of May 7 this year, the reporter saw at the construction site of the apartment project that the project had been shut down and there were many weeds inside


The gate of the project site is closed


The project is overgrown with weeds




Wang and other 11 houses all have cracks to varying degrees


Some of them are leaking


They are up to four or five meters long and can reach into the palm of an adult man


Some of the floors are empty




Yu said that the developer of his family’s big pit was filled last year, using about 8 cubic meters of concrete slurry


Cracks in Ms


Wang’s house


The widest crack can extend into the palm


Developer: after appraisal, the impact of the project construction is small


It is understood that the project is Jinkai smart residential building




Shi, the developer of Lingshan County Jinkai Investment Co., Ltd., said that their houses were old and there were many cracks before the construction of the project


They put all the responsibility on the company and asked for compensation


The company thought that the reinforcement and compensation should be based on


After the coordination of the housing construction department, the company invited a third party organization to identify


The report concluded that the construction of the project affected the cracks in the surrounding houses But there are many reasons for the formation of large pits and cracks, and the report does not directly indicate that they are caused by construction




Shi also said that the company has not evaded the matter and took emergency measures to fill the pit before the identification results came out


After the appraisal results came out, they also put forward the reinforcement scheme, but without relevant scientific basis, the company could not implement it“ The company also hopes to deal with this matter as soon as possible


In the next step, it will continue to negotiate with the residents


” Department: it will not affect the housing safety, and will continue to organize and coordinate the client of Nanguo Zaobao


According to an appraisal report provided by Ms


Wang, the conclusion indicates that the collapse of bored pile and excavation of foundation pit in Jinkai smart residential building project have had a certain adverse impact on the foundation of surrounding residential buildings, but the impact is very small




Wang and others do not agree with this


Identification report provided by Ms




The appraisal agency explained in a reply that, generally speaking, it may have a certain degree of adverse impact


Whether the impact or the size of the impact is really related to many factors, such as the water content and permeability of the soil around the pile hole, the time of water leakage and the total amount of groundwater loss in the upper layer, and the quality of the house itself


From the point of view that there is no obvious damage in the place closer to the foundation pit and other residential buildings, the identification conclusion has sufficient basis


The appraisal agency replied and explained




Wang and others said that because they were non professionals, they no longer participated in the formulation of the repair plan at the beginning of this year, and only asked the developers to help strengthen the house, but the developers have not taken measures so far


According to the person in charge of the Bureau of housing and urban rural development of Lingshan County, after the residents’ reflection and the technical personnel’s inspection, there were 11 houses with wall cracks, difficulty in opening the gate and settlement of the house steps, but no foundation settlement cracks and cracks in the bearing beams and columns were found in the bearing structure of the residential building


The whole house was not in danger and could still be used normally, but some use functions were affected


The above-mentioned person in charge also said that in order to coordinate the matter, the developers and residents have been organized to hold many coordination meetings, but the two sides can not reach a consensus


Therefore, it has been delayed until now, and the next step will continue to organize coordination


If it fails, it is suggested that the residents take judicial measures to solve the problem


It is true that the construction permission has not been obtained for the project


In April last year, the developer was ordered to stop work


After completing the relevant information, the construction permission was obtained before the project can be resumed


Source: Nanguo Zaobao


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