From tomorrow, closed construction, please detour!

Source: Gansu Expressway (ID: gansugaosu) copyright belongs to the original author, if any infringement, please contact us      In order to ensure the traffic safety of the construction of Taiping and Laojun tunnels in Pingding section of G22 Qinglan expressway, the single hole closure construction was carried out for the sections k1693 + 430-k1694 + 735 and k1693 + 305-k1694 + 730 of Laojun tunnel in Pingding section of G22 Qinglan expressway, k1698 + 200-k1699 + 232 and k1698 + 265-k1699 + 180 of Taiping tunnel, The parallel line passes through two ways


It is hereby announced as follows: 1


Restricted travel time from May 10 to June 30, 2021; 2


Bypass route scheme: Laojun and Taiping tunnel construction: during the construction of the up line: overrun vehicles and dangerous chemicals transport vehicles (Lanzhou and Dingxi directions), drive out of the expressway from Jingning toll station, and drive into the expressway along national highway 312 to Huining toll station


During the construction of the downline: the out of gauge vehicles and dangerous chemicals transport vehicles (Pingliang, Xi’an direction) will drive out of the expressway from Huining toll station, and drive into the expressway along the national highway 312 to Jingning toll station


3、 Speed measurement is required for the whole construction section of the detour


All passing vehicles are required to drive in accordance with the requirements of this circular, traffic signs and signs, signal lights, slow down, abide by traffic regulations, obey the command of traffic police, and pay attention to driving safety


As a result, the inconvenience to you, please understand! It is hereby announced that the traffic police detachment of Baiyin Public Security Bureau, Gansu Baiyin Highway Bureau, Dingxi highway, Gansu Province, and Pingliang highway law enforcement brigade of Pingliang highway order a “look at” and forward it! Let more people see! Contribution, business cooperation phone   0931-8569678。
