Completion of pile foundation construction of Division II of Nigeria Kaifei Road Project

    Division II of Kaifei road project undertakes the construction of 7 bridges, accounting for 63.6% of the total number of bridges in the whole line


Pile foundation construction is the key process of Division II construction, which directly affects the overall progress of the project


    The completion of all pile foundation pouring of Division II breaks the constraints of weather and river water level on the subsequent construction of the bridge, and provides more working faces for construction in rainy season..


The General Manager Department of the project has overcome the adverse construction conditions in the rainy season, effectively identified and avoided major risks such as public transportation and public safety, paid close attention to and implemented epidemic prevention and control measures, and explored a set of effective pile foundation construction management mode in practice, which provides valuable experience for subsequent project construction


Introduction      On August 2, Nigeria Kaifei road project completed the pouring of the last pile foundation of the bridge sub item of Division II, marking that Division II has overcome the largest node affecting the bridge construction and entered the construction stage of substructures such as bearing platform, pier column and bent cap

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