Identification and control of major hazard sources of tower crane, construction elevator and high-altitude operation basket ppt

Analysis of the latest version of potential safety hazards of building construction elevator in 2020 pricing of China Building Materials Industry Press: 65 yuan    Discount price: 62 yuan publication date: April 2020 construction elevator is an important vertical transportation and lifting equipment in the construction of medium and high-rise buildings


It is usually used in the middle and late stage of building construction, undertakes the transportation of building construction personnel and materials, and plays a vital role in reducing labor intensity and improving construction efficiency


In recent years, safety accidents have occurred from time to time because relevant units do not pay attention to or understand the working principle, safety points and important role of construction elevator in construction


In particular, the accidents of dual-purpose construction elevators that can carry people are often accompanied by large personal casualties, which cause great damage to the personal safety of construction personnel and have a serious negative social impact


In order to facilitate the relevant personnel of the property right unit, installation and demolition unit, user unit, maintenance unit and testing unit to more intuitively understand, manage and use the construction elevator on the construction site, investigate the potential safety hazards of the construction elevator and eliminate accidents, we, according to the relevant national and industrial standards such as GB / t26557, gb10055 and jgj305, This book is compiled in combination with the actual photos taken by the inspectors to inspect the hidden dangers of the construction elevator at the construction site


This book covers signs, foundations and fences, hanging cages, structures and connections, transmission systems, control and limit devices, etc


in the form of pictures and texts, it intuitively explains the standard requirements and common safety hazards of construction elevators, comprehensively reflects the frequent safety hazards of construction elevators, and is conducive to improving the safety awareness of relevant personnel, Reduce and prevent construction elevator accidents


This book can be used as a training material for relevant personnel of construction elevator and a reference manual for safety supervision and management personnel


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Remember: leave your billing information and e-mail address when ordering, and the publishing society will send the e-invoice to your e-mail address [submission and business negotiation] wechat: wumin196821   Tel: 13666263987 statement: This article comes from construction safety and equipment management and is only used for peer learning and reference


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    If you need more knowledge about tunnel, road and bridge, please pay attention to WeChat official account of “safety in construction of track Luqiao”.
