Shandong can apply for construction permit in sections! From January 1 next year, there is no need to apply for construction permit for projects below 1 million yuan!

Projects that should apply for a construction permit shall not start construction without a construction permit( 2) Before the end of June, after determining the construction (or Engineering) general contractor, the housing construction unit can divide the project into “foundation pit support and earthwork excavation”, “basement”, “more than ± 0.000” and other stages according to the needs of project construction, and apply for construction permits respectively


Source: Xiao Lu, Department of housing and urban rural development of Shandong Province: Recently, the Department of housing and urban rural development of Shandong Province and other departments issued the notice on further optimizing the business environment in the construction permit handling process of housing construction and municipal infrastructure


After determining the construction (or Engineering) general contractor, the construction unit can divide the project into “foundation pit support and earth excavation”, “basement”, “more than ± 0.000” and other stages according to the needs of project construction, and apply for construction permit respectively







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The original application form for construction permit of Construction Engineering (parallel approval of quality and safety supervision) is adjusted to application form for construction permit of Construction Engineering (parallel approval of quality and safety and civil air defense engineering supervision)


The processing time limit of project quality and safety supervision procedures and civil air defense project quality supervision procedures (air defense basement) shall be included in the processing time limit for the issuance of construction permit, which shall not exceed 3 working days at most


For all housing construction and municipal infrastructure projects traded in the public resource trading center, the bidding documents and documents shall be clarified The bid winning results and other information shall be shared in real time to the housing and urban rural construction department and administrative examination and approval service department at the same level, and the competent departments of relevant industries shall strengthen supervision according to the shared information( 2) Before the end of June, for housing construction and municipal infrastructure projects that must be subject to bidding according to law, the construction unit does not need to provide the letter of acceptance when handling the construction permit procedures, and the relevant information of bid winning results is obtained through system information sharing


3、 Optimize the handling of bidding matters for housing construction and municipal engineering projects (I) before the end of June, the approval management system of engineering construction projects at all levels shall be interconnected with the public resource trading platform




Original document: Notice of Shandong provincial public resources trading center of Shandong Provincial People’s Air Defense Office of Shandong Provincial Department of housing and urban rural development on further optimizing the business environment in the process of housing construction and municipal infrastructure project construction permit handling, municipal housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau, administrative approval service bureau, people’s Air Defense Office Public resources trading center: in order to implement the requirements of the implementation plan for innovative breakthroughs in optimizing the business environment in Shandong Province, further simplify administration and delegate power, and improve the approval efficiency of the construction permit of housing construction and municipal infrastructure projects, the relevant matters are hereby notified as follows: I


When applying for construction permit, the construction unit shall submit relevant materials according to the list of materials listed in the application form, The supervision data of civil air defense engineering will not be submitted separately( 2) The processing time limit of project quality and safety supervision procedures and civil air defense project quality supervision procedures (air defense basement) shall be included in the processing time limit for the issuance of construction permit


The application form shall use the format of Annex 1




If there are other provisions in laws and regulations on the management of construction licenses for rural construction projects below the quota, such provisions shall prevail


No unit or individual shall break down a project that should apply for a construction permit into projects below a certain limit, so as to avoid applying for a construction permit


The administrative examination and approval services, housing and Urban-Rural Construction and civil air defense departments of all cities shall, in strict accordance with the requirements of the provincial government’s innovative breakthrough action to optimize the business environment and the implementation plan of the “double perfection and double hundred” project of government services, optimize the service process and pay close attention to the organization and implementation in combination with local reality( 3) The administrative examination and approval services, housing and urban rural construction and civil air defense departments at all levels shall perform their respective duties and cooperate closely


From January 1, 2022, housing construction and municipal projects with a project investment of less than 1 million yuan (included) or a construction area of less than 500 square meters (included) may not apply for a construction license


After each stage meets the conditions specified in the measures for the administration of construction permit of construction engineering, it can be applied for


The original application form for construction permit of Construction Engineering (parallel approval of quality and safety supervision) is adjusted to the application form for construction permit of Construction Engineering (parallel approval of quality and safety and civil air defense engineering supervision) (Annex 1)




Housing, urban and rural construction and civil air defense departments at all levels shall strictly perform their duties of supervision during and after the event, and timely follow up supervision and inspection by means of “double random and one open”


All localities may formulate specific measures for handling by sections according to the actual situation( 3) The construction unit shall strictly implement the primary responsibility for project quality and safety, strengthen the process control and acceptance management of project quality and safety, ensure reasonable construction period and cost, and shall not require relevant participating units to violate laws, regulations and mandatory standards for project construction for any reason


No unit or individual shall break down a project that should apply for a construction permit into projects below a certain limit, so as to avoid applying for a construction permit


If you find any problems during the docking process, please contact the Provincial Department of housing and urban rural development at 0531-87086921; Tel


The “construction project quality supervision procedures”, “construction project safety supervision procedures”, “civil air defense project quality supervision procedures (air defense basement)” and “construction project construction permit issuance” of housing construction engineering are merged into “construction project construction permit issuance”


Public resource trading systems at all levels need to generate (stamped) electronic bid winning notices and open corresponding data interfaces in accordance with interface description (Annex 2); The engineering construction project approval management system at all levels shall be adapted to the public resource trading system at all levels according to the interface description to ensure that the (sealed) letter of acceptance generated by the public resource trading system and other information related to bid evaluation and winning can be shared to the system in time


2、 Merge the related procedures of construction permit (I) merge the “construction project quality supervision procedures”, “construction project safety supervision procedures”, “civil air defense project quality supervision procedures (air defense basement)” and “construction project construction permit issuance” of housing construction engineering into “construction project construction permit issuance”, and implement the “one form” application before the end of June, “One window” acceptance


Housing, urban and rural construction and civil air defense departments at all levels shall strictly perform their duties of supervision during and after the event, and timely follow up supervision and inspection by means of “double random and one open”


adjust the limit and method of construction permit handling (I) from January 1, 2022, Housing construction and municipal infrastructure projects with a project investment of less than 1 million yuan (included) or a construction area of less than 500 square meters (included) in the administrative region of the province may not apply for a construction license


of provincial public resources trading center, 0531-83196188; Technical service Tel.: 0531-87087224.


▲ pay attention to the construction management of Shandong Province and obtain the latest construction policies of the province ▼ pay attention to the construction management and obtain the latest construction policies of the whole country


Those that can be handled on the spot shall be handled on the spot, and those that cannot be handled on the spot shall not exceed 3 working days


The administrative examination and approval service departments shall synchronously push the construction permit processing results to the housing and urban rural construction and civil air defense departments at the same level
