Closed construction! Detour!!!

It was announced that the south gate section of Mangshan Avenue (North Ring Road) forest park was sunken and damaged due to early rainstorm.

Please understand the inconvenience.

Must be collected! The most complete bus line in Yanshi is released! Stamp the original text and release the information of Yanshi City..

August 27, 2021 note: take the contribution in the afternoon of August 27 | ilobuyi.

Yanshi Yida Highway Engineering Co., Ltd.

Our company will carry out surprise rescue construction on the main pavement from August 28 to September 1 as planned.

Please detour in advance for passing vehicles.

Shuttering Clamps

It is recommended to read the old videos and photos of Yanshi! Yanshi new crown vaccination information publicity start! 9 cars with more than 30 people and a journey of nearly 10000 kilometers…

It is hereby announced.

In order to ensure the safety of road vehicles and pedestrians, road closure construction is required.