It is difficult for the self owned construction unit of the real estate enterprise to manage. What should Party A’s engineers do

Of course, the boss is willing to see


The author once did cost bidding diagnosis consultation in an enterprise and found that many bidding had obvious defects, but he was relieved when he saw these enterprise legal persons and was of the same origin with the boss


02 difficulties in the management of self owned construction enterprises this model of self owned construction companies of real estate enterprises has its inevitability, but there are also many problems and difficulties in practical work


Whether the accounts can be calculated clearly at both ends of post development and construction is a matter of hindsight; At least the key nodes of external construction enterprises will not get stuck


The author believes that the existence of a model must be reasonable, and there is no difference between good and bad models


In order to maintain its operation, the parent company has to invest a lot of cash, Direct influence on the overall capital operation of the company 4


Poor management, the difference between main business and non main business is particularly obvious in the self owned construction enterprises of real estate enterprises


The high price of self owned construction enterprises is actually beneficial to the whole enterprise


China’s social relations are important ties made by relatives and friends


At present, there are fewer and fewer real estate enterprises with single business, and more are developing towards multi industry and diversified China


This problem mainly occurs to those Royal relatives whose enterprises have the boss as the background, have no fear, and don’t pay attention to professional managers at all


Undoubtedly, the self owned construction enterprises have unique advantages in this regard, and they can do it first in case of problems and disputes, Anyway, it’s all the meat in the boss’s pot


Since the main business is real estate development, all kinds of resources will naturally tilt to the development end, whether it is human, financial or material, These construction enterprises can not compare with the real estate sector


Risk control needs to think about it


Do these costs really flow into the construction sector? In my experience, many real estate development enterprises, The development sector undertook higher costs, but due to its own management level, the costs flowing from the development sector did not become profits, but flowed into the pockets of downstream suppliers of its own construction enterprises, that is, for the boss, the money was led from the left pocket to the right pocket, but there was a hole in the right pocket, The money has run away




Difficulty in management is also a headache for the real estate development sector


Moreover, the self owned construction units of real estate enterprises generally do not have business expansion pressure


For real estate enterprises, this is originally a win-win result, but the problem is that the development sector pays higher costs


We know that for project development, the relatively large cost is tax in addition to land price, If the development cost is high, it means that for project development, the cost is high and the profit is low, so the tax that needs to be paid will be much less


They lack external sources of income and can only rely on blood transfusion from the parent company


Therefore, they are allowed to enter the market and continuously integrate with the industry through the wind and rain of the market, Continuously improving the management level can increase the amount of contract business that must be expanded this year in the annual operation responsibility of internal construction enterprises, forcing them to go to the market.


Taking care of relations




Combined with the author’s experience in managing self owned general contracting enterprises of real estate enterprises for many years, this paper gives you some management suggestions, hoping to help you 01


The most significant thing is the construction of talent echelon


03 management suggestions for self owned construction enterprises


There are a variety of reasons for free construction companies, some of which are because the boss of real estate enterprises himself is a construction enterprise, Retained the construction company; Some real estate business owners seven aunts and eight aunts make money near the thighs of real estate enterprises; Some real estate enterprises have bought construction companies out of their own business considerations


On the one hand, these real estate enterprises still retain construction enterprises because they do not want to peel off the existing industries, on the other hand, from the perspective of operation, and on the other hand, the boss’s plot, Another important reason is the boss’s construction background, distrust of other construction enterprises, and better control of his own enterprise


Tracing back to the source, you will find that many real estate enterprises in the top list have been developed by construction enterprises, That is to say, many real estate enterprise bosses used to be the bosses of construction enterprises


On the one hand, because the business must be done by internal construction enterprises, they are more proactive, On the other hand, the cost of these internal enterprises is higher than that of the industry, but I think we should enlarge the pattern


Occupying funds, real estate development needs a lot of funds, so real estate enterprises have thought of many ways to reduce capital expenditure as much as possible, such as bringing funds, advance funds, commercial tickets, factoring, ABS, etc., but these moves are invalid for internal construction units


Real estate enterprises generally need the first pot of gold to develop


The enterprises are their own


Their own business volume is very saturated and do not need external business expansion


The whole industrial chain is also a problem that real estate enterprises have been thinking about


Looking at the top list of the industry, there are fewer and fewer real estate enterprises with real estate words in the company name




What are these outsiders, Therefore, the management of these enterprises is often a pain in the heart of real estate developers


The reasons for self owned construction enterprises of real estate enterprises are many, There are the following reasons for the summary


Many problems of self owned construction enterprises in the market are based on the fact that they live in a “honeypot” with guaranteed income in drought and flood, and have no power to improve management and operation




At the same time, self owned construction enterprises also have the advantage that they can do some tax raising, In terms of safety and reliability, internal enterprises must be much better than external enterprises


Since there are so many problems in self owned construction enterprises of real estate enterprises, is there no way? Of course not


If all participating units in the real estate development process are the boss’s own enterprises, is there still a situation where professional managers eat and take cards? Naturally, it can effectively avoid these corruption problems, which is also one of the important reasons why many real estate enterprise bosses are willing to hold construction enterprises




Considering the operation, the high turnover of real estate enterprises is the mainstream, and the high turnover requires the construction enterprises to cooperate with the real estate development in an all-round way


If their own enterprises are working in the whole development business chain, it is undoubtedly a practice that fat water does not flow to outsiders

. Lifting Anchor

When the real estate enterprise boss makes a fortune, he will not forget these seven aunts and aunts, even if the boss insists on taking the professional route, Relatives are not allowed to take a share, but it is inevitable to take care of their own people




With the accumulation of capital and the opportunity to start real estate development, they gradually developed into enterprises with real estate business as their main business


I have read many articles introducing this aspect, Most of them are superficial, or talk in general, or there are no specific ways and methods


Many of these enterprises send representatives in the business of construction sites, It is impossible to send a business team like a real construction enterprise


Historical reasons: real estate enterprises are a highly resource and capital intensive industry, which is not what anyone can do if they want to


The price is not competitive and the price has no advantage


The results of such management can be imagined




Among them, there are not a few real estate enterprises with both development and construction




This also causes them to have little demand for management improvement, especially reflected in their business ability, Many construction enterprises of real estate enterprises can’t tell how much cost they have incurred after completing the project, which is also reflected in the problems of project quality and progress


What we need to think about is how to manage under this model and promote the whole operation


Generally speaking, the talent allocation of their own construction units of real estate enterprises is very different from that of construction enterprises with construction as their main business, such as business personnel


In the past two days, I read an article discussing the advantages and disadvantages of their own construction units


This is the biggest criticism of the real estate development sector against their own construction enterprises
