Closed construction, temporary adjustment and cancellation of charges! Tangshan releases important news in many places!

▼▼▼ notice on temporary adjustment of the prohibition of left turning of motor vehicles at some intersections of Kaiyue road.

Retirees of former enterprises who have gone through the retirement procedures and have not participated in the employee medical insurance may participate in the employee medical insurance according to the insurance method for flexible employees.

It is forbidden to turn left at Zhongxing crossing of Kaiyue road from east to west.

On September 13, 2021 ▼▼▼▼ the sixth brigade of Tangshan public security traffic police detachment cancelled the notice on canceling the insurance agency fee for flexible employees.

The flexible employment personnel can pay the fees independently through the “Hebei tax” WeChat official account after the payment is approved by the medical insurance agency, or the tax department window or the self service terminal.

3、 Flexible employment insurance services.

All the supplementary basic medical insurance premiums for employees shall be transferred to the overall planning fund, not to the individual account.

2、 Payment standard for flexible employment personnel.

Please understand the inconvenience caused by vehicle travel.

4、 Flexible payment channels for employees.

According to the needs of road upgrading and reconstruction in Kaiping District, in order to alleviate the road traffic congestion on Kaiyue Road, improve the road traffic efficiency and reduce the waiting time of vehicles at the intersection, it is decided to temporarily block the central isolation of Zhongxing intersection of Kaiyue road and prohibit left turning of motor vehicles from September 11, 2021.

Please click the blue word above to see more! ▼▼▼ part of the pavement of tangcao expressway is closed.

The relevant matters are hereby notified as follows: 1.

  Two, other optimization projects: the opening road of Puguang road from south to North will set up an early adjustment head.

Before the flexible employment insured reaches the legal retirement age, the basic medical insurance premium for employees shall be paid at the rate of 9% based on the average wage of employees of full caliber urban units in Tangshan last year.

will no longer charge agency service fees for pension insurance and medical insurance related businesses for flexible employees from September 13, 2021.

Zunhua Traffic Police Brigade reminded that during road construction, the road surface becomes narrow.

coverage of flexible employees.

No left turn at Zhongxing Road crossing of Kaiyue road from north to South; 2.

No left turn at the intersection and direction: 1.

September 13, 2021 ▼▼▼ how should Tangshan flexible employees participate in urban employee medical insurance? In order to effectively do a good job in the medical insurance participation service for flexible employees, we hereby inform the following matters related to the participation and payment of flexible employees: I.

Flexible employment personnel in principle, to the registered residence, employment place or residence insurance agency for registration, payment approval and other related businesses, also can voluntarily choose medical insurance agency to participate in the staff medical insurance.

The construction section is: main line K137 + 618-k151 + 208; Qingdongling branch pipeline K1 + 000-k12 + 800.

Please slow down the passing vehicles.

The male residents aged 18 to 60 years old, female full 18 to 55 years old, registered residence in the city and the registered residence of the non registered residents in our city, no employees, part-time employees who have not participated in the medical insurance by employees, and registered employees and registered workers in the city, who are registered in the city, and other employment personnel who are flexible, can participate in the medical insurance for workers.

5、 Flexible employment voucher printing.

Tang Cao expressway traffic police remind: please plan the driving route in advance, and bypass Nanbao toll station or Fengnan South toll station of Coastal Expressway.

Due to the pavement reconstruction construction, the toll station in Nanpu Development Zone of tangcao expressway is closed from September 12, 2021 to November 15, 2021.

If it fails to reach the minimum payment period and the minimum actual payment period, it can enjoy the medical insurance treatment of retirees according to the regulations only after paying the basic medical insurance premium of employees for the poor years at one time according to the payment proportion of 7% with the average wage of employees of full caliber urban units in Tangshan last year as the payment base.

When passing through the construction section, pay attention to slow down, obey the command of the traffic police and pass safely and orderly.

The flexible employment personnel who pay by the tax department need to print payment vouchers, and after the payment is paid, they can pass the “Hebei tax” WeChat official account..

Fixing Socket Waved End

▼▼▼▼ it was learned from Zunhua traffic police brigade on September 12 that due to the construction needs of pavement disease treatment project of Beijing Qinhuangdao (g-0121) Expressway, pavement construction was carried out from September 8 to November 10.

Consultation Tel.: 2806014 Tangshan talent market Co., Ltd.

When reaching the legal retirement age, if the accumulated payment years and the actual payment years in this city reach the specified years, after the insured status is changed to retirement, they will no longer pay the basic medical insurance premium and enjoy the medical insurance treatment of retirees according to the regulations.

Due to business adjustment, Tangshan talent market Co., Ltd.

3、 Please pay attention to the changes of traffic lights and central isolation, and reasonably arrange the travel route.