Construction technology | many projects are busy in vain, and the progress still can’t go up!

The temporary adjustment of nodes disrupted the on-site progress.

For a project, the general contractor sneaked in to work without a construction permit.

For example, in some projects, the design drawings have not been confirmed when the facade construction is ready; When it was time for the materials to enter the site, it was found that the bidding and procurement had not been awarded…

“Taking the land in the morning and entering the site in the afternoon” is the ideal state pursued by fast turnover real estate enterprises.

However, some projects have been delivered since the commencement, which seems to be in a rush state all year round, and the progress is still seriously lagging behind.

Real estate has entered the era of low profit, and the survival pressure of real estate enterprises is unprecedented.

3、 The progress of each line can’t catch up, which can only force the project to rush to work.

In a project, the hardbound entity model room was completed immediately.

The written construction period plan is beautifully set, but it is full of mistakes and omissions in implementation.

As the last link, the project had to explain the preliminary work.

Although the longer the construction period, the better the real estate project will be, the progress is too tight, which will have an impact on the project quality more or less.

Because many processes are parallel, it is very easy to conflict in time and space.

It was originally planned to be delivered in two years.

Paving a road and digging some soil, but asked Party A for a lot of turnover fees.

For example, the site layout and some details are not well considered.

From commencement to delivery, the enclosure has been removed and changed three times.

“Ensuring supply” has become a dead order.

Some real estate enterprises concluded that they should ensure supply before opening and quality after opening, taking into account speed and quality.

For another example, the general contracting units of many projects win the bid at a low price.

“When the radish is fast, do not wash the mud”, excessive pursuit of development efficiency and blind rush for work lead to rough technology, and even destroy the natural law that must be followed in the construction project, which is also the largest groove point of the house in recent years.

It is inevitable to rush work properly at key nodes.

Some won quickly, others won well, and each had his own way of life.

Such projects have long construction period and high cost, but the quality may not be good.

If you can’t complete the project, you have to leave.

In the past few years, many real estate enterprises benchmarked their heads, made great efforts to speed up the turnover, and did not weigh their own strength at all.

If you find that you are losing money, try every means to make some money, and then leave the scene.

As everyone who has worked on the project knows, the biggest certainty in the project is uncertainty.

As a result, the main body has not been capped after three years of work.


Only a few projects can not be fully applicable for individual reasons, and the construction period is delayed in the implementation, so the plan can not be reached.

Can “fast” be good? When it comes to rapid project development, people’s first reaction is poor quality.

The project development cycle is not slow, but the project quality is good, the reputation is good, and the per capita efficiency is far higher than the industry average level, truly realizing high-quality development.

Xiaobian Jun has heard of a project.

After you come in, do it if you can make money.

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occur frequently due to site problems, which takes up a lot of construction time.

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After some tossing and turning, the progress can not be promoted normally for at least half a month.

Often the plan can not catch up with the changes, so that the construction period plan is difficult to implement.

It often costs rush work fees but can’t catch up with the progress, and the gain is not worth the loss.

In the past, fresh food was eaten all over the world.

Looking at the current real estate projects, there are almost no rush projects.

The so-called “fast and good” used to shout slogans, but now it has become a must.

For another example, some temporary buildings (demonstration area and EPC living area) are set on the project plot, which can only be demolished because it affects the project development, which not only wastes the cost of the original building, but also delays the construction period.

Under the high pressure of supply, how to rush for less work and ensure the quality of real estate projects? Inefficient rush projects are expensive and laborious, but they can’t do well.

On the one hand, the construction permit has not been completed, and not all construction units are willing to enter the site in advance; On the other hand, some construction units don’t work much when they come, and the cost is a lot.

Under the dual pressure of ensuring both supply and quality, a reasonable construction period can not be compressed.

Once the general contractor leaves the site, even if the third party is started immediately, there is still a lot of mess to clean up.

A top 100 real estate enterprise in the industry has become the object of peer learning in the past two years.

The front end grabs the opening and the back end grabs the delivery.

The progress of each line can not keep up, and finally can only force the on-site rush.

The leader suddenly said that the flow rate should be given priority, so he cancelled the hardbound model and started it directly.

However, the results may not be satisfactory.

The two units hand over and follow the process.

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No matter whether the project can be completed or not, the construction period is pressed to death, and then force the project to always sign on the plan to make a commitment.

No matter how tight the project nodes are, it must ensure that the construction period bottom line is not broken, so as to avoid the impact of unreasonable construction period on the construction.

The pressure is transmitted downward layer by layer, and the project department has to work overtime day and night.

At present, it is “both…


  2、 The construction organization is not well considered, and the on-site rework is continuous.

Some engineers said that they didn’t get off work until the early morning every day after the weekend for two months.

From the start of land acquisition in a month, to the start of land acquisition in a few days, to the mobilization in the morning and afternoon, “land acquisition is the start of construction” has become an indicator of the rapid turnover of real estate projects.

The preliminary preparation work is not done in place, and the on-site rush work is blindly organized.

During the construction process, engineering demolition and modification, equipment and material handling, etc.

Only by eliminating the factors affecting the progress and striving for sufficient operation cycle for the site can it be fast and good.

1、 The development plan is unreasonable and disrupts the rhythm of on-site construction.

For example, in some projects, in order to speed up the payment collection, the regional leaders move the supply plan forward as soon as they clap their heads.

In the later stage, the rectification of the original construction is returned, adding a lot of unnecessary work to the site.

It can be said that the standard construction period is the largest common divisor of all projects of real estate enterprises, which is applicable to most projects.

After entering the site, the general contractor relied on excavators for all material turnover on the grounds that tower cranes could not be used in the early stage, and the work was very slow.

For example, some projects did not take into account the needs of garden construction land when making peripheral enclosure, so they had to be demolished and redone in the garden construction stage.

If the progress is delayed, they have to get it back.

It is not impossible to squeeze more construction time for the site and rush less work.

For each piece of land, the feasibility study stage shall scientifically demonstrate the construction period scheduling plan from the perspective of engineering and safety, and formulate a construction period bottom line.

Some real estate enterprises are too optimistic in formulating the construction period, the estimation of work efficiency exceeds the actual range, the nodes are set too tight, or the actual situation of the site is not taken into account at all, and the progress can not be completed without rush work.

Shuttering Clamps

2、 Simplify the internal communication process and squeeze time for the scene.

Although the standard construction period of most real estate enterprises is tight, it is generally scientific and feasible.

  1、 Set the bottom line of the construction period, and the nodes shall not be adjusted at will.

4、 In the upsurge of fast turnover in the previous years, real estate enterprises believe in “only fast is not broken”, and they are faster than each other in the project development plan.

In addition to the short construction period and extremely tight progress of some projects, it is more because some unreasonable and unscientific external factors squeeze the construction time and force the site to rush work frequently.

Generally speaking, the two ends are tight and the middle is loose.

Rush work from beginning to end, which is very problematic.

In order to ensure a reasonable construction period, some real estate enterprises have introduced the demonstration action of construction period.

To do the project, we should not only have low cost, fast speed, but also good quality.

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According to public data, the small-scale projects of the real estate enterprise are generally concentrated in 8-11 months from land acquisition to liquidation..