From October 6, personnel over 60 years old on the construction site shall provide health certificates (valid for 1 year) before taking up

6, Sichuan Tianfu New Area Park Urban Construction Bureau, Chengdu Eastern New Area Public Service Bureau, Chengdu high tech Zone Park Urban Construction Bureau, district (city) County Housing construction administrative departments, construction enterprises in Chengdu, and relevant units: to further implement the provisions on the administration of certified constructors and the provisions on the administration of certified supervision engineers The measures for the administration of real name system for construction workers (for Trial Implementation) and other relevant documents stipulate that the main responsibilities of all parties shall be compacted, the problems existing in the management of real name system on the construction site of engineering construction projects in our city recently shall be solved, and the health and safety protection of older employees shall be strengthened.

Shanghai, Shenzhen, Taizhou, Jiangsu, Nanchang, Jiangxi and Jingzhou, Hubei require that it is prohibited to recruit and use men over 60 and women over 50 to engage in construction operations.

After automatic monitoring by the system, if any of the following situations exist in the newly started or under construction project, it shall be included in the credit evaluation management according to the regulations, and the project shall be included in the key spot check list and pushed to the project quality and safety supervision department: (I) after the project is started (calculated based on the commencement time registered in the safety supervision information) Failing to fully allocate site management personnel as required within 30 natural days; (2) The project manager and the director have not checked in and asked for leave for 5 consecutive days, or there is an early warning of “separation of personnel and posts” for 3 months or 1 / 3 of the total construction period (the effective attendance days of the project manager are less than 24 days and the project director is less than 15 days); (3) The project technical director, safety director, quality director, labor and capital supervisor or project supervisor has an early warning of “separation of personnel and posts” for a total of 3 months or 1 / 3 of the total construction period (the monthly effective attendance days are less than 24 days).

Recently, Chengdu Municipal Bureau of housing and urban rural development issued the notice on Further Strengthening the management of real name system for employees on the construction site of engineering construction projects, which will be implemented from October 6, 2021.

In May 17th, the official account No.

The relevant contents are as follows: 1.

Symptoms such as severe respiratory diseases, serious cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, liver and kidney diseases, malignant tumors and symptoms such as hypertension and diabetes that can not be effectively controlled by drugs can be found.

If they refuse to make rectification or fail to complete the rectification within the time limit, the relevant employing enterprises will be notified, recorded in the bad behavior of the enterprises participating in the construction of the project under construction, and included in the annual work safety standardization evaluation of the enterprise.

Thermometers, sphygmomanometers and other instruments and equipment shall be equipped to regularly measure and check up the on-site operators.

On June 7, Taizhou Municipal Bureau of housing and urban rural development issued a notice on high falling accidents, which pointed out that recently, there were many high falling accidents on construction sites in Taizhou, and the victims in two accidents were over 60 years old.

Attached original: csjg [2021] No.

Source: Chengdu Municipal Bureau of housing and urban rural development, Shanghai / Shenzhen / Jingzhou / Nanchang / Taizhou Municipal Bureau of housing and urban rural development, etc.


Scaffolding Walk Boards

Personnel with symptoms such as abnormal body temperature and excessive blood pressure are strictly prohibited from entering the construction site.

It reiterated that construction enterprises prohibited recruiting or using people over the age of 60 to enter construction sites in any form to engage in construction work.

It is not suitable to engage in high-risk and high-risk jobs.

From January 1, 2022, the construction (general) contracting enterprises of construction projects under construction and newly started in the city shall enter the project subcontracting information within 15 natural days after the project subcontractors (professional subcontracting and labor subcontracting) enter the site.

The next step will be to standardize the employment age management of construction enterprises.

If it refuses to rectify or is expected to not correct, the relevant responsible enterprises shall be notified, and the annual safety production standardization evaluation conclusion of the enterprise shall be evaluated as unqualified.

In combination with the real name system, the employment age management of operators shall be included in the scope of daily supervision, inspection and patrol.

Some time ago, a construction unit in Jingzhou was notified and punished for recruiting men over 60 years old to engage in construction operations! On June 6, 2021, a safety accident occurred in a project in Jingzhou City, resulting in casualties (one of the injured was male, 63 years old).

It is prohibited to recruit or use the following three types of personnel to enter the construction site for construction operations in any form: under the age of 18; Men over 60 years old; Women over 50.

At present, policies vary across the country.

The relevant matters are hereby notified as follows..

∨ for those who are found to violate the above employment age regulations: they shall be ordered to make rectification within a time limit.

The construction (general) contracting enterprise shall bear the main responsibility for any false report, omission or concealment of project subcontracting information, and the construction, supervision and relevant subcontractors shall bear joint and several liability.

According to the notice on standardizing the employment management of construction projects in the city issued by the Municipal Bureau of housing and urban rural development, the relevant information shall be notified: if the project construction unit violates the employment regulations and recruits more than 60 men to the construction site to engage in construction operations, it shall be ordered to stop work immediately for rectification, recorded in the bad behavior of the participating enterprises, and included in the annual comprehensive credit evaluation.

Optimize the management of project subcontracting information.

In these three cases, the project will be subject to key spot check.

Strengthen the occupational health management of older personnel on the construction site.

Criticize the local housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau, and order the construction unit of the project to seriously investigate and deal with the safety production accidents caused by illegal over age employment according to law.

60 of the Shanghai construction safety and Quality Supervision Station issued the “work tips on standardizing the age of construction work in construction sites in Shanghai”.

The employer shall verify the health certificates of older employees and reasonably arrange jobs according to the specific conditions of the project.

Those who violate the above provisions shall be ordered to make rectification within a time limit; If it refuses to make rectification or fails to make corrections within the time limit, the relevant responsible enterprises shall be notified, the annual safety production standardization assessment conclusion of the enterprise shall be determined as unqualified, the assessment results shall be entered into the network integrity platform of Nanchang construction enterprises, and reported to the Provincial Department of housing and urban rural development as the annual safety production standardization assessment results of construction enterprises; In case of safety responsibility accident, it shall be dealt with strictly and severely in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.

The notice made it clear that it is prohibited to recruit and use men over 60 and women over 50 in any form to engage in “high-altitude, high-risk, high-risk and heavy physical” front-line operations on the construction site.

Once any violation of the regulations is found, it shall be ordered to draw inferences from one instance and rectify within a time limit.

On June 11, Nanchang urban and Rural Development Bureau issued a notice on further standardizing the employment age management of construction enterprises.

Personnel under the age of 18 and professional personnel over the age of 60 (male) and 55 (female) are prohibited from engaging in professional and technical work on the construction site.

In combination with the promotion of real name management, the employment age management of construction workers shall be included in the scope of daily supervision, inspection and patrol, and personnel under the age of 18, men over the age of 60 and women over the age of 50 are prohibited from entering the construction site to engage in construction operations.

It is strictly prohibited to use minors (under the age of 18); In principle, workers beyond the national legal retirement age (60 for men and 50 for women) shall not be used.

Shenzhen on May 31, Shenzhen General Station of quality and safety issued a notice on measures to further strengthen the safety production of construction projects.

Labor subcontracting units shall undertake business within the scope specified in the qualification certificate, and it is strictly prohibited to carry out “project subcontracting” in the name of “labor subcontracting”.

Male workers over 55 years old and female workers over 45 years old are prohibited from entering the construction site to engage in underground, high altitude, high temperature, especially heavy physical labor or other special work affecting health, high risk and high risk.


For the production safety accidents caused by illegal over age employment, our bureau will seriously investigate and deal with them according to law and will not tolerate them.

Employees over the age of 60 shall provide health certificates (valid for 1 year) to the employer with reference to the annual examination of driver’s license.

On May 27, Jingzhou housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau issued the notice on standardizing the employment management of construction projects in the city.