Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau: the construction permit can be handled in stages! Projects below 1 million yuan do not need to

(4) The construction units of small projects below the quota shall earnestly fulfill the primary responsibility for project quality and safety, strengthen the process control and acceptance management of survey, design, procurement and construction quality and safety, strictly implement relevant project construction standards, and ensure a reasonable construction period and cost If the construction unit handles the filing of completion acceptance of small projects below the quota, the competent administrative department of housing and urban rural construction shall, in accordance with the administrative measures for the filing of completion acceptance of housing construction and municipal infrastructure projects (promulgated by order No.

They are adjusted to the notification commitment system, which shall be borne by the relevant responsibilities The unit shall strengthen the supervision during and after the event.

(II) it shall be handled in two stages: combine “foundation pit (slope) support” and “foundation works (including basement)” into “below ± 0.000” stage, that is, according to “below ± 0.000” and “main works (± 0.000 above)” Apply for and handle the construction permit formalities in two stages in turn.

From April 1, 2021, housing construction and municipal infrastructure projects (hereinafter referred to as small projects below the limit) with a project investment of less than 1 million (including 1 million yuan) or a construction area of less than 500 square meters (including 500 square meters) in the administrative region of the city may not apply for a construction permit.

2、 Adjust the handling limit of construction permit.

Projects for which a construction permit should be applied for shall not start construction without a construction permit.

78 of the Ministry of construction and amended by order No.

In the administrative area of our city, the phased handling of construction permit can be adopted for housing construction projects after the construction unit determines the general contractor: it can be handled in three stages: it can be handled in accordance with “foundation pit (slope) support”, “foundation works (including basement)” and “main works (± 0.000 above)” Apply for construction permit in three stages.

Clarify the following contents: first, implement the phased handling of construction permit.

It shall be handled in two stages: the “foundation pit (slope) support” and “foundation engineering (including basement)” shall be combined into the “below ± 0.000” stage, that is, the construction permit procedures shall be applied for successively according to the two stages of “below ± 0.000” and “main works (± 0.000)”.

(2) Before the commencement of small projects below the quota, the project quality and safety supervision procedures shall be handled at the corresponding administrative department of housing and urban rural construction according to the project approval level.

Adjust the handling limit of construction permit (I) according to Notice of Sichuan Provincial Department of housing and urban rural development on Forwarding the letter of the general office of the Ministry of housing and urban rural development on the adjustment of the limit of housing construction and municipal infrastructure project construction permit in Sichuan Province (Cjh [2021] No.

If the construction unit has any illegal acts such as unauthorized construction without obtaining the construction license, concealing relevant information and providing false commitments, it shall be ordered to stop work immediately and transferred to the urban management and law enforcement department for handling according to regulations..

No unit or individual shall break down the project for which a construction permit should be applied into several projects below the quota, so as to avoid applying for a construction permit.

Within the administrative region of our city, the phased handling of construction permits can be adopted for housing construction projects after the construction unit determines the general contractor: (I) Handled in three stages: it can be handled in accordance with the “foundation pit (slope) support” “Foundation works (including basement)” and “main works (± 0.000 above)” shall apply for construction permit procedures in turn.

(III) handle them in one stage: directly apply for the overall construction permit formalities of the project.

Since July 10, 2021, the housing construction and municipal administration within the whole city The electronic construction permit is fully implemented for infrastructure projects.

The competent administrative departments of housing and urban rural construction in all districts (including high tech zones), departments of the Bureau and institutions under the Bureau: in order to implement the action requirements of the year of opening up and development and optimizing the business environment improvement of the municipal Party committee and municipal government, deeply promote the reform of “releasing management services” in our city, further optimize the business environment in our city, and speed up the implementation and commencement of construction projects, according to Implementation plan for deepening the reform of approval system of engineering construction projects in Zigong City (ZFBF [2021] No.

(II) the construction unit and the construction (General Manager) The opening certificate of the special account for migrant workers’ wage payment of the contractor and the labor subcontractor, the storage of migrant workers’ wage deposit of the construction and construction unit, the payment guarantee of the owner, the performance guarantee of the construction unit, the management of the real name system of construction workers, the installation of video monitoring system and the installation of dust online system are not required to be handled in the construction permit stage.


When the administrative departments of housing and urban rural construction of all districts and counties use the Sichuan integrated government service platform to apply for the construction license, they must generate the electronic license simultaneously.

27) Requirements, combined with the actual situation of our city, the relevant matters related to optimizing the construction permit management of construction projects are notified as follows: first, implement the phased handling of construction permits.


If the construction unit voluntarily applies for it, the competent administrative department of housing and urban rural construction shall accept it.

The competent administrative departments of housing and urban rural construction at all levels shall strictly perform the supervision responsibilities during and after the event, and pass the “double random and one public” Follow up supervision and inspection in a timely manner by means of daily random inspection.

adjust the time limit and process for handling the construction permit (I) shorten the time limit for handling the construction permit commitment from 5 working days to 3 working days.



3、 From July 10, 2021, the city’s housing construction and municipal infrastructure projects will fully implement the electronic license of construction license.

When the administrative departments of housing and urban rural construction of all districts and counties use the Sichuan integrated government service platform to apply for the construction permit, they must simultaneously generate the electronic permit.

Handled in one stage: directly apply for the overall construction permit of the project.


(3) No unit or individual may break down a project for which a construction permit should be applied into a number of projects below the quota and avoid applying for a construction permit.

promote the electronic license of the construction permit.

Since April 1, 2021, the project investment in the administrative area of the city is less than 1 million yuan (including 1 million yuan) Or housing construction and municipal infrastructure projects with a construction area of less than 500 square meters (including 500 square meters) (hereinafter referred to as small projects under the quota) may not apply for a construction license.

Recently, Zigong Municipal Bureau of housing and urban rural development issued two documents, the notice on optimizing the management of construction permit and the notice on implementing the phased handling of construction permit.

optimize the requirements for construction permit handling.

The administrative departments of housing and urban rural construction at all levels have completed the application After the construction permit is completed, the handling results shall be timely pushed to the quality supervision department at the same level.

strengthen the supervision during and after the event.

Projects that should apply for a construction permit shall not start construction without a construction permit.

Rebar Support Chair

(II) Take the construction project safety supervision filing and construction project quality supervision filing as the internal parallel link with the approval and issuance of the construction permit, not as the pre element of handling the construction permit, and handle them simultaneously after the unified connection of the construction permit link, and the same data will not be collected again.

(I) the commitment system shall be implemented for the certificate of funds in place issued by the bank.

The electronic permit of construction permit has the same legal efficiency as the paper.

2 of the Ministry of housing and urban rural development) The acceptance of the specified procedures does not require the provision of project application date information and construction permit.


The electronic license of construction permit has the same legal efficiency as the paper license.