Improve water rescue skills to ensure project construction safety

The training is divided into water entry method, life-saving swimming, unarmed, material aid, throwing, wading, self rescue and survival.

Editor: Wu Jing reviewed by: Cai Jianfeng.

They were not playing with the water, they were the owner of ningshang project and the safety lifeguards of each standard section who participated in the training that day.

The training activities are conducive to the relevant construction units of the project to better carry out water safety and life-saving services, improve life-saving skills, ensure the safe production of the project, make positive efforts to create a safe construction environment, realize the real-time search and rescue of offshore personnel within 5 minutes of falling into the water, improve the safety production management level of the project, and create a century safe quality project.

Click the blue word to pay attention to our project of Xiapu Fuan section of ningshang expressway, which involves four sea crossing bridges, with deep sea wind, rapid water flow and complex coastal geological conditions.

“Plop, plop” with the sound of the water, students wearing uniform red and yellow clothes and fully equipped jumped into the water orderly after warming up in the swimming base.

In order to cope with the upcoming project construction peak, sandu’ao Expressway Company actively promotes the construction of sea land linkage rescue system.

Rebar Cross Chair

According to the course arrangement, the training on that day was explained by the coach of the blue sky rescue team.

From September 7 to 14, the company invited Fuding blue sky rescue team to hold a “training course for water safety lifeguards” for the project.