These 286 common sense of road and bridge engineering construction are dry goods summarized by many chief engineers. Everyone is collecting

In order to strengthen the combination between asphalt layers and between asphalt layer and cement concrete pavement, what is the name of the poured asphalt thin layer?   Answer: adhesive layer.



What types of asphalt mixture structure are divided according to strength composition?   Answer: embedded type and graded type.



When there are many drift ice and floating objects in the river, it is appropriate to use (gravity pier and abutment)..


What is the maximum water cement ratio of airport and expressway concrete pavement?   Answer: it should not be greater than 0.46.

Classification of substructure of highway bridge (gravity pier, gravity abutment, light pier and light abutment).


What are the two stages of highway project acceptance?   Answer: handover acceptance and completion acceptance.


What is the standard for measuring the accuracy of observations?   Answer: mean error, limit error (allowable error), relative error.

What should the maximum particle size of coarse aggregate not exceed?   Answer: 40mm.29.

The net span of an arch bridge is the section of two arch feet of each arch span (the horizontal distance between the lowest points).



The clear distance between two adjacent piers < or abutments > at the design flood level of a beam bridge is called (clear span).

Engineering construction standards are classified by attributes.


The main load-bearing structure of arch bridge is (arch ring and arch rib).



What is the main control of bridge plane control?   Answer: bridge extraction.

What is the purpose of progress control to achieve the objectives of the project through control?   A: progress target.

What sieve shall be used for the particle size of asphalt pavement aggregate?   Answer: square hole sieve.

When graded crushed stone is used as the base course of Expressway and class I highway, what is the crushing value of aggregate?   Answer: ≤ 26%.


The bridge type without horizontal reaction under vertical load is (beam bridge).



What is the slump value generally specified?   Answer: 0-30mm.

Prestressed concrete cable-stayed bridge belongs to (composite system bridge).


The bridge control network often adopts an independent coordinate system.


What is the biggest difference between the on-site construction of SMA asphalt pavement and the construction of conventional hot mix asphalt pavement?   Answer: mixing of mixture.


When graded crushed stone is used as base course, its compactness shall not be less than?   A: 98%.


What is the residual stability of 48h immersion Marshall stability test measured by “asphalt mixture Marshall stability test”?   Answer: 80%.


What are the basic requirements for pavement?   Answer: 1) strength   2) Stability   3) Flatness   4) Skid resistance   5) Less dust 13.


Which is the key route in the double code time scale network plan?   A: lines without waveform lines.

When the stone materials tested as acid rocks are used in expressways and class I highways, should they be asphalt with large penetration or small penetration?   Answer: asphalt with low penetration.


Which is the key route in the double code network plan?   A: the line with the longest duration.

What are the indicators used to judge the dry and wet state of subgrade soil?   Answer: boundary consistency of soil.



What parts can the asphalt pavement structure layer be composed of?   Answer: surface course, base course, subbase and cushion.

The bridge usually needs materials with strong bending resistance (beam bridge).


What are the types of asphalt concrete mixtures?   Answer; Coarse grain type, medium grain type, fine grain type and sand grain type.

In order to make the coordinates within the site positive, where should the coordinate origin be located outside the site?   Answer: southwest corner.

The cement concrete mixture shall have proper construction workability and good workability.

Who will preside over the handover and acceptance of highway engineering?   A: hosted by the construction unit.

Compared with the beam bridge with the same span, the bending moment and deformation of arch bridge are much smaller, because of the action of (horizontal force).


What are the factors affecting the subgrade compaction effect?   Answer: water content, soil thickness, soil properties, compaction machinery.





What are the field work of traverse survey?   A: it generally includes point selection, angle measurement and distance measurement.

What is the method of route setting out according to the traverse points laid by the design unit and the pile by pile coordinate table provided by the design document?   A: coordinate method.

When cement stabilized medium and coarse-grained soil is used as base course, how much cement dose should be controlled?   A: 6%.

What are the three indexes of asphalt?   Answer: penetration, softening point and ductility.


What types can they be divided into?   A: technical standards, management standards and working standards.





What materials are used in the fine aggregate section of asphalt pavement?   Answer: natural sand, machine-made sand and stone chips.


The height difference between the bridge deck and the low water level is called (the height of the bridge).

Piers and abutments are collectively referred to as (substructure).

What are the main instruments used for setting out by coordinate method?   Answer: total station.

Classification of technical standards?   A: technical standards can be divided into national standards, ministerial standards and enterprise standards.

Which department should be notified for acceptance of concealed works before concealment and form acceptance documents?   Answer: supervision unit.



According to what to adjust the construction mix proportion of concrete?   Answer: adjust the mix proportion according to the water content of sand and stone on site.

How many layers can the asphalt concrete pavement structure layer be divided into at most?   Answer: three floors.


What is the basis for the construction party’s schedule control task?   Answer: construction task entrustment contract.


How many days should the construction unit start construction from the date of obtaining the construction permit? A: three months.

What is the purpose of heavy compaction test?   Answer: the purpose of heavy compaction test is to determine the optimum water content and maximum dry density of soil or aggregate.

What kind of cement is generally used for cement concrete surface?   Answer: Ordinary portland cement.



What are the types of highway engineering quality accidents?   Answer: quality problems, general quality accidents and major quality accidents.


The basic system of bridge engineering can be summarized as (beam bridge, arch bridge and suspension bridge)   60.




According to the total length and span of the bridge, it is divided into (special bridge, large bridge, medium bridge and small bridge).

What methods should be adopted for process operation quality to timely grasp the overall situation of construction quality?   A: patrol inspection, spot check and follow-up inspection of important parts.



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What is the main function of asphalt pavement surface?   Answer: anti sliding and wear-resistant.

What is the systematic process of quality control?   A: pre control, in-process control and post control.

Pile foundation can be divided into (pile sinking, bored pile and excavated pile) according to the construction method.

What are the indicator parameters that describe this feature?   Answer: slump.


Cement concrete shall have proper workability.

The superstructure of a bridge is usually called (bridge span structure).


What is the layered compaction thickness of asphalt mixture?   Answer: 10cm.

Who is responsible for the quality problems within the warranty period and scope? A: the construction unit shall perform the warranty obligation, and the party responsible for quality defects shall bear the warranty cost.






What is the role of chloride, sodium sulfate and other admixtures commonly used in cement concrete?   Answer: early strength agent.




What design charts need to be consulted in the construction drawing design document for coordinate setting out?   Answer: straight curve rotation table, route plane design drawing, pile by pile coordinate table.

What is the minimum temperature of hot mix asphalt mixture paved on Expressway and class I highway?   Answer: 10 ℃.

When did the regulations on quality management of construction projects come into effect?   A: it will come into force on January 30, 2000.