Construction essentials of bonsai (6).

The water holding capacity of basin soil is related to soil quality.

  There are two methods of watering: root irrigation and leaf surface water spraying.

When watering, pay attention to not watering “half cut-off water”, that is, the water is not enough, and the basin soil is wet and dry, which will also cause the water shortage of bonsai trees.

Watering can be combined with fertilization, and watering shall be carried out in time after topdressing.

The official account of Lin Hongxin and Chen Xizhi, issued by the public, is published and quoted in the bonsai field of vision.

  The nutrients required for plant growth mainly include nitrogen (n), phosphorus (P) and potassium (k).

In order to supply the necessary nutrients for the growth of bonsai trees, pay attention to supplement appropriate fertilizers.

Therefore, the selection of fertilizer should be determined according to the characteristics and growth of tree species.

The dryness and wetness of basin soil can be judged according to the growth of leaves (water shortage when leaves wither), the sound of knocking on the basin, the color of basin soil surface and whether it is cracked or not.

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If they do not replenish water in time, they will die of water shortage.

Management of tree bonsai tree bonsai is a living organism after artistic processing.

  Accessories refer to small ceramic or stone models of pavilions, platforms, buildings, pavilions, animals and figures.

Tap water should be stored in the water tank for one day and then used again.

It needs to take maintenance and management measures such as watering, fertilization, pruning, turning basin and pest control to ensure the growth and development of bonsai trees and maintain its due ornamental value.

  Stone matching can be divided into natural style and garden style: natural stone matching is to imitate the natural combination of wild trees and strange peaks and rocks; Garden style stone matching is to imitate the artificial arrangement of trees and stones in the garden.

Generally, water should be poured in the morning and evening during the high-temperature period in summer.

Stones and accessories of tree bonsai.

For example, the basin soil is too wet for a long time, and the tree roots breathe poorly, which is easy to cause rotten roots and death.

In the cliff style bonsai, sharp peak stones are placed at the root, just like trees growing on cliffs and cliffs.

For temporary decoration treatment for display viewing or exhibition, accessories are generally not placed at ordinary times, so as not to affect the management of watering and fertilization of trees.

Construction essentials of bonsai 5.

In winter, if the trees are in dormant period, water can be poured every few days.

In a basin of pine and cypress bonsai, some rocks will make the trees full of feet appear towering.

Fertilization shall be timely and appropriate, and the types of fertilization and nutrient content shall be mastered.

Pine and stone bonsai and bamboo and stone bonsai are both a way to set off and contrast.

Water can be poured every day or every other day in spring and autumn.

Generally, the growth of tree bonsai is slow, and there is no need to apply too much fertilizer, so it grows in vain, which affects the beauty of tree posture.

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In addition, the water demand is different in different growing seasons.

  (1) Watering: watering is a major management work of tree bonsai.

Evergreen trees and wet loving trees, such as pine and cypress, camellia, Rhododendron, etc., can often spray water on the leaf surface; Deciduous tree species often water their roots; Miniature bonsai should be half buried in wet sand.

Trees and bonsai are dotted with mountains and stones, which adds poetic and natural interest.

Too much water will cause overgrowth.

It is best to use a watering pot with a shower head.

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Therefore, the potted landscape must be watered in an appropriate amount, and the principle of “do not dry, do not water, and water thoroughly”.

After adding accessories to tree bonsai, it can add life flavor.

Trees and bonsai should be watered continuously, but it should not be too much.

Accessories are usually placed on the soil surface or stone of bonsai.

When applying accessories, pay attention to the natural environment and scenic interest, and pay attention to the distance, size ratio and color harmony.

Water may not be needed in plum rain season or rainy days.

More nitrogen fertilizer should be applied to foliage trees, more phosphorus fertilizer should be applied to flower and fruit trees, and alum fertilizer and water should be applied to acid soil loving trees such as camellia, Rhododendron, loumu and gardenia.

The cultivation and production of a precious bonsai of trees takes a lot of work, and it should be carefully maintained.

Trees growing in pots are easy to dry because of the limited pot soil.


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Dry and wet tree species should be treated differently.

Rocks or accessories are often arranged with trees in tree bonsai, which is a unique landscaping technique of bonsai art in China.

Nitrogen fertilizer can promote the growth of branches and leaves, phosphorus fertilizer can promote the growth of flowers and fruits, and potassium fertilizer can promote the growth of stems and roots.

(2) Fertilization: the nutrients of the basin soil are limited.

Sandy loam has good water permeability and can be watered frequently; If the permeability of clayey soil is poor, watering should not be too much.

The amount of watering should also be determined according to the habits of tree species.

The drawings are from the network.