Craftsman’s school – Analysis of problems prone to civil building construction design (Architecture)

There are certain systems and regulations for the preparation of civil building engineering design documents, such as strict regulations on the design planning of building spacing, road layout, parking lot construction and green space area.

In the actual design work, some small and medium-sized civil building design units will adopt the method of applying drawings to reduce capital risk in order to save capital investment.

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At the same time, it also plays a great role in promoting the harmonious development of society.

The fire protection design of civil buildings has the following defects more or less: (1) the sealing materials of deformation joints in buildings do not meet the requirements.

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(5) The selection of building insulation, decoration and other materials does not meet the requirements.

The construction design draws a specific blueprint for the construction and guides the orderly construction.

At present, the problem of energy shortage is a global problem, and the problem of energy shortage faced by China is more severe.

Only by making clear what problems are easy to exist in construction design and finding out the reasons, can we avoid and improve them, so as to better promote the development of construction design.

  1.2 impact of natural conditions China is a vast country with great differences in landform and climate conditions in various regions.

  From   Standard building library   Mr.

(6) The effective evacuation width of evacuation walkway, staircase, evacuation door and other parts after deducting decoration and other structures does not meet the requirements.

In the actual design process, effectively avoiding the above problems in fire protection design will have a positive impact on the cycle and safety of architectural design.

1 influencing factors in civil building construction design 1.1 influence of relevant laws and regulations during civil building construction design, the construction design scheme must be consistent with laws and regulations, and there can be no deviation, otherwise it can be determined that the design scheme is unqualified.

Before the construction, the first thing to do is the construction design.

  2.2 problems in the energy-saving design of civil buildings construction engineering is a project with huge material consumption, and it will also produce huge consumption in the operation and use of buildings.

2 problems in civil building construction design   2.1 the problem of missing items in the general plan architectural design is the core of the preliminary preparation of civil buildings.

  1.3 impact of the owner’s needs civil buildings are mainly built to meet the needs of relevant construction owners, and the owner’s needs have become a major starting point of the design.

If there are problems in building construction design, it is bound to affect the effect of building construction and it is difficult to meet people’s expected needs.

  2.3 main problems in fire protection design building fire protection design is an important design unit in civil buildings.

(4) The area of effective smoke exhaust external window in rooms with natural ventilation and smoke exhaust requirements does not meet the requirements.

Therefore, the scheme design should be based on compliance with relevant laws and regulations, Take into account the needs of the owner as much as possible, design and transfer the buildings satisfactory to the owner to improve the owner’s satisfaction.

Therefore, in order to design a reasonable construction scheme, we should first be familiar with the corresponding legal and normative requirements and design in strict accordance with the legal and normative requirements, which not only ensures the design speed, but also ensures the smooth implementation of the design scheme.

If the construction designers do not actually investigate and understand the local landform and climate conditions, and blindly design the construction scheme, it is difficult to ensure the rationality of the design scheme, If the local landform and climate conditions are not considered in the construction process, the construction period will be delayed due to the influence of these factors, and even the project construction will not be carried out smoothly.

(3) The number, width, position and form of fire evacuation stairs and emergency exits do not meet the requirements.

Therefore, in the process of designing the construction scheme, we should fully consider the local landform and natural climate conditions, and make a reasonable scheme design, so as to ensure the construction progress.

Therefore, the design purpose of single building and the design management of supporting projects will not be standardized, resulting in the lack of some basic projects.

Therefore, the owner’s opinions must be included in the construction scheme design.

Therefore, while developing the construction industry rapidly, it is very necessary to make rational use of building energy-saving design to reduce energy consumption.

Therefore, it is extremely necessary to strengthen the research on building construction design.

(2) The number, location and fire resistance of firewall settings do not meet the requirements.