Lecture notes on key points of construction and acceptance of clean room gas system

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This update: January 18, 2017.

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194045991 has just been established, mainly to absorb 267 engineering and technical personnel from the south, 189417984 electromechanical and HVAC equipment market development and exchange group, 85 365552966 building electromechanical installation comprehensive exchange group, 98 235204658 annotation and examination based group, 266 184579553 manufacturer’s technical R & D personnel There are 980 maintenance personnel, 145754593 heating and ventilation construction personnel, 233 338391569, 450 for job seekers and recruitment units, 168494112 for clean air conditioning and various characteristic specialties, and QQ number: 396876467.

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Welcome to the learning, exchange and interactive community of HVAC South Society: the main functions of QQ group number are 161153868.

For more relevant courseware, please click the following title ↓↓↓→ strong provisions of code for construction and acceptance of clean rooms (gb50591-2010) → discussion on independent control scheme of temperature and humidity of air conditioning system in clean operating room → pressure difference control requirements and control methods in clean room of pharmaceutical industry → layout of air outlet and exhaust pipe in clean room, which has attracted the attention of 250000 refrigeration, HVAC professionals, please contact: 18149752715..

At present, there are 930 HVAC professional designers and technicians, 118657164 absorbing 136 small and micro business owners in the industry and 31767498 heat pump drying and process refrigeration group (under Integration) 150 people 495282609 mainly absorb professional teaching and staff from colleges and universities across the country.

142762628 HVAC component technology and sales group 289 171780399 Nanshe’s only promotion group that allows free advertising 340 170823423 give consideration to 904 building electromechanical comprehensive technology exchange group 492479546bim professional exchange group 404 303891401 with HVAC automatic control There are 260 people in the home system integration group, 167899477, 309 people in the northern engineering and technical personnel group, 245084393 people in the registration and affiliation group (under Integration) 301 people.