Three workers in Gansu fell from a construction platform more than 10 meters high

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After the patrol unit of Baiyin detachment of Gansu Armed Police Corps found the situation, the on-site commander Yin Xiancai immediately reported to the duty room of the detachment, dialed 120 emergency telephone, commanded the patrol officers and soldiers to bandage the wounded to stop bleeding, and guarded and isolated the scene.

The situation was very critical.

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12 minutes later, the ambulance arrived at the scene, and the patrol officers and soldiers assisted the medical staff and police to transport the wounded to the ambulance.

They were bleeding and injured in varying degrees.

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Source: the copyright of the national defense times belongs to the original author.

On the morning of October 7, three workers accidentally fell from a construction platform more than 10 meters high during the construction of G6 high-speed bridge in Baiyin City, Gansu Province.

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