41 taboos in road engineering construction! You have to understand

Wing Nut Tie Rod

[taboo 26] the concrete mixing of the road surface course is uneven and does not meet the construction requirements [taboo 27] the concrete transportation and allocation is unreasonable [taboo 28] the joint construction of the cement concrete surface course is improper [taboo 29] the vertical and horizontal joints are not straight [taboo 30] the slab surface is sand, peeling, exposed or has holes [taboo 31] during the construction of asphalt concrete pavement, the pavement flatness is poor [taboo 32] the compaction of asphalt mixture is insufficient [taboo 33] improper selection of prime coat asphalt material [taboo 34] improper application of tack coat [taboo 35] neglect of on-site asphalt boiling [taboo 36] the distance between two adjacent control points is too large [taboo 37] the roller accelerates or decelerates too fast [taboo 38] cracking reflection of semi-rigid base on the pavement [taboo 39] insufficient compaction of pavement edges [taboo 40] loose slag on the pavement [taboo 41] insufficient rolling of subgrade or pavement base..

Source: copyright of earthwork information network belongs to the original author [taboo 1] incomplete compaction of pipeline backfill [taboo 2] insufficient filling of pipeline intersection under subgrade [taboo 3] subgrade filling is not filled according to the specified virtual paving thickness [taboo 4] follow the high to the low in the filling section to make the roller climb the slope and roll [taboo 5] fill with large bricks, stones, concrete blocks and hard soil blocks [taboo 6] backfill with muddy water [taboo 7] the compacted soil layer has poor humidity [taboo 8] it is not compacted in layers according to sections [taboo 9] the earthwork is constructed by sublation blasting in the urban area [taboo 10] the shoulder and slope are soft, and the slope soil slides down [taboo 11] the shoulder has accumulated water [taboo 12] subgrade protection slope collapse road base [taboo 13] unreasonable mix proportion design of cement stabilized soil [taboo 14] rolling of cement stabilized soil base when it is less than the optimal water content [taboo 15] consolidation of lower base is not solid [taboo 16] leveling of stone ash stabilized soil base [taboo 17] too many gravel particles, too large or too many sand particles [taboo 18] unqualified gravel material [taboo 19] during the construction of gravel base, dry rolling [taboo 20] when the gravel base survives, the rough [taboo 21] lime soil is not mixed evenly [taboo 22] the mixing of ash is not measured or the measurement is not allowed [taboo 23] the soil material is not sieved [taboo 24] lime soil is too dry or too wet, and rolling [taboo 25] lime fly ash gravel (crushed stone) the base course is not cured after rolling and forming.