57 common quality problems in construction, review the old and know the new

There are many exposed bars on the surface of frame column, the concrete protective layer is damaged, the local concrete is not dense 53.

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Some floors have serious cracks in the cast-in-situ concrete floor.

11 The reinforcement is overlapped with short reinforcement 12.



Beam reinforcement is not anchored into the support.

The component formwork is bulging, Exposed reinforcement after repair 21.

The spacing between longitudinal bars of shear wall is too large 50.

The displacement of longitudinal bars of frame column is serious 54 Longitudinal reinforcement of frame column (beam and column joints) non connecting areas are overlapped 55.

The plastering and pressing of the slab surface is not in place, and people get on early.

As constructors, they should be more cautious about all kinds of details and should not omit!! copyright statement: this wechat content comes online.


The reinforcement is stacked neatly 14.

The length of straight section of stirrup hook is less than 25.

Concrete blocks are not stacked overhead and there are no moisture-proof and rain proof measures 28 The concrete construction joint is not straight 29, the concrete column stirrup is exposed 30, the concrete column connection is uneven and not dense 31, the stirrup spacing in the densification area is too large 32, the aerated concrete block has no moisture-proof measures 33, the displacement of longitudinal reinforcement of shear wall and concealed column 34, the displacement of longitudinal reinforcement of shear wall and concealed column 35, the serious “necking” of shear wall 36, the diameter of tie bar of concealed column of shear wall 37, the thickness of protective layer of shear wall 38 There are many vertical cracks in the shear wall 39, the concrete at the bottom of the shear wall is not dense 40, the honeycomb of the shear wall, slurry leakage 41, the disordered binding of the reinforcement of the shear wall 42, the lodging and bending of the reinforcement of the shear wall 43, the measured diameter of the tertiary steel of the reinforcement of the shear wall is 8mm and 7mm44, the exposed reinforcement of the shear wall 45, the concrete of the shear wall is not dense 46, the concrete formwork of the shear wall 47, the construction joint of the shear wall is not straight 48 The construction joint of shear wall is not straight 49.

Structural column planting reinforcement is not positioned correctly 24.


The roof concrete is not dense.

The reinforcement is displaced 16.

Click architecture to pay attention to me all my life ☀ Architecture – solidified history ☀ Through architecture, we can see the inheritance and rise and fall of civilization; Through architecture, we create the present and future of civilization.

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Some concealed column reinforcement is displaced.

Some shear walls are not vibrated tightly.

Formwork bulging, slurry leakage and uneven joint 27.

Beam top reinforcement is bent and misaligned, and the spacing is too dense 57.


Slope Plate

The mixing mortar is directly dumped on the ground 51.

The reinforcement is stacked disorderly without zoning and No Signboard 13.

The thickness of some ladder slabs is insufficient.

The forming quality of the cast-in-situ slab at the height difference is poor and the concrete is not dense 19.


The reinforcement anchorage direction is wrong 15.

Some shear walls are cracked.

The joint is not polished 52.

Structural column stirrup hook is less than 135 ° 23.

The reinforcement straight thread connection specification 17.

Details in construction often lead to major accidents.

The reinforcement status signboard is incomplete 18.

Beam size is reduced 56.

Electroslag pressure welding is not welded along the rib.

The number of exposed wire buckles outside individual mechanical connection joints exceeds the standard 20.

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There is no door in the standard curing room.

Some floor slabs are cracked.

Structural column reinforcement overlapping is not bound and outside the stirrup 22.

Stirrup does not effectively cover longitudinal reinforcement and binding is not in place 26.

