An ancient tomb was found during the construction of the people’s Liberation Army, and archaeologists found a “jade dress” in the coffin,

As a vassal state, Zhongshan state has existed for more than 150 years, with ten kings in power.

After cleaning up the plant ash, the archaeologists found that the funerary objects here were more abundant.

However, the ground of the back room is covered with thick vegetation ash.

In early May 1968, an ancient tomb was found in Lingshan, 1.5km southwest of Mancheng County, Hebei Province, by a department of the people’s Liberation Army.

i see! Experts infer that Liu Sheng’s bones are in the jade clothes, but they have rotted to ashes and even the bones have rotted away.

On the front is the word “Dou Wan” and on the back is the word “Jun Xu”.

The tomb chamber consists of six parts: the tomb passage, the corridor, the South ear chamber, the North ear chamber, the middle chamber and the back chamber, just like the word “ancient”.

1 is becoming clear.

Although it is preliminarily determined that this is the tomb of a Zhongshan king in the Western Han Dynasty, which of the ten kings will it be? Archaeologists later proved the identity of the Zhongshan king and determined that the owner of the tomb was Liu Sheng, the first generation king of Zhongshan state.

With the gradual deepening of the exploration and cleaning up work, the overall shape of tomb No.

There are more than 60 golden beans around the jade clothes.

1 tomb”.

Accordingly, experts further speculated that Dou Wan should be Liu Sheng’s wife, the queen of Zhongshan state.

Archaeologists named the tomb “Mancheng Han tomb No.

Then came the second question.

Everyone couldn’t help cheering, because in front of us was the “golden wisps and jade clothes” of the Han Dynasty.

This seal is square with a hole in the middle, which is called “string belt” seal.

A white marble coffin bed is set at the other end of the hall, where the coffin of the tomb owner is placed.

The front room of Liu Sheng’s tomb is a chariot pit, the middle room is a hall, and the back room tomb door is also equipped with a copper mechanism to lock the door.

There were no bones or anything under the jade clothes.

You should know that there were two Zhongshan states in Chinese history, one was Xianyu Zhongshan state in the spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period, and the other was Zhongshan state in the Western Han Dynasty.

Liu Sheng, the king of Zhongshan, had no bones under the “protection” of gold wisps and jade clothes.

Liu Sheng won’t just bury a jade dress, will he? How can there be no bones? Is Liu Sheng really reincarnated? On August 13, 1968, the original team of the archaeological team began to continue excavation in the north of tomb 1.

When the archaeologists cleaned Dou Wan’s jade clothes, they found the neck vertebrae, four ribs and three teeth of the tomb owner in the jade clothes.

Liu Sheng probably lived more than 60 years old.

Why are more than 60 golden beans specially placed? Later, the expert gave an answer.

The hall is a bedroom with a low Kang, on which there is a low Kang, a copper lamp, and the owner’s sword at one end.

He said that a golden bean represents one year old.

It seems that the owner of tomb 2 was buried in the jade clothes, but the bones have already rotted almost.

A copper seal was found in a tin box in the back room of tomb 2.

It turned out that Liu Sheng used the form of thick burial, and the funerary articles were very rich, while the remains of animals and a large number of funerary wine increased the organic matter in the tomb, resulting in the easy decay of the body.

This further aggravates people’s question: why is there no Liu Sheng’s bones in Han tomb 1? The experts tried to open Liu Sheng’s jade clothes and found that there were some things like jujube mud ash and some teeth.

From the unearthed cultural relics, it is found that many bronze wares are engraved with the inscription of “Zhongshan neifu”.

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It seems that Liu Sheng and others think that the method of preserving the body in gold wisps and jade clothes has failed.


Note: some text and picture resources in this article come from the Internet,.

Statement: all the materials in this article are from the Internet.

It’s sad and lamentable.

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Soon the second tomb appeared, which was “Mancheng Han tomb No.

No one thought that when all the rotten wood ash and metal ornaments stacked on it were cleaned up, a armor like thing with gold wire and jade pieces appeared in front of people.

However, when cleaning up the funerary objects around the jade clothes, it was found that there were more than 60 golden beans on the east side of the jade clothes, which puzzled the archaeologists present.