Construction is over! Resume access!

Click the card below to follow the official wechat of Yangquan radio and television station ▌ source: supervised by Yangquan bus company / edited by Gao Xiuli / edited by Wei Lijuan / Jing Zhenxi    Proofreader / Ge Mujie   Meng Zhang © Yangquan radio and television new media share some praise points..

Cast in Sockets

5 can continue to get on and off at Yinying Jindian station.

    In order to facilitate citizens’ travel and alleviate the traffic pressure at the Everbright Bank station, passengers taking No.

    From September 27, 2021, the bus station of Everbright Bank will be restored, and the bus lines in the northern suburbs and the development zone will be restored to the original direction; The route 26 goes back to the original direction.

Important notice of Yangquan bus     The closure construction of the section from Everbright Bank of Quanzhong road to Dalian JIEKOU has been completed, the pavement has been restored, and the west entrance of Dalian street has been unsealed.