Construction method and key points of epoxy self leveling floor

6、 Floor marking: mark the completed ground according to the size, separate it with textured paper, roll the marking paint, and tear off the textured paper after rolling.

Otherwise, the coating construction shall be carried out after the moisture is removed.

The part where the brush hair is immersed in the paint is 1 / 3 ~ 1 / 2 of the hair length.

Firstly, remove laitance, dust and garbage on the concrete surface.

Remove laitance with a grinder to form a rough surface.

2.1.4 polish and clean the concrete base course of the part.

5、 For the construction of self flowing flat paint, the main agent shall be fully stirred evenly, and then the curing agent shall be poured into the barrel containing the main agent to avoid uneven mixing of materials.

After stirring, add an appropriate amount of fine quartz powder, fully stir evenly, and scrape with a batch knife to make the surface flat.

Epoxy self leveling is widely used in factories, warehouses, parking lots, airports, electronic factories, food factories, exhibition halls, shopping malls, hospitals, schools, etc.

It can ensure that the ground will not peel after construction and the flatness and surface strength of the base course.

The prepared coating shall be used up within 4H to avoid material waste caused by coating curing.

Fixing Socket Angular End

Finally, use a vacuum cleaner to absorb sand, dust and other impurities, and timely transport the garbage to the place designated by Party A. forced ventilation measures are adopted for ventilation to strengthen air circulation, accelerate air flow, take away water and promote further volatilization of water in concrete base.

The epoxy sealing primer shall be applied according to the following methods: 2.2.1 coating epoxy sealing primer is a two-component coating.

It can also fill the original cutting joints or cracks of the ground base course to ensure the self leveling surface effect and crack prevention; At the same time, the product can also carry out high-pressure dust washing on the base to ensure the cleanness of the ground.

2.3 leveling of local low-lying places.

According to the provisions of the coating product manual, component B (curing agent) shall be added to component a (main material) and fully stirred evenly.

The water content shall be less than 8% before coating construction.

Expansion joint treatment: open joint treatment: clean the garbage in the gap – fill the silicone strip – fill the cutting joint with elastic glue – clean the surrounding of the gap.

72 hours after construction, you can step on people gently.

The next process can be carried out after 12 hours.

Epoxy self flowing floor paint is a kind of epoxy resin. heating increases the temperature of concrete and surrounding air, speeds up the migration rate of water in the concrete base to the surface layer, and promotes its rapid evaporation.

To be “V”   After the V-shaped groove is cleaned, the prepared epoxy mortar shall be injected into the groove, the epoxy mortar shall be tamped tightly, and the surface course shall be flush with the base surface on both sides.

Note that the poured paint shall not exceed 2 / 3 of the capacity of the small paint bucket, and too much will easily cause paint splashing.

It shall be “dipped less and frequently”.

The pits and gaps shall be troweled with epoxy mortar, and each layer shall not exceed 30mm thick.

How to make epoxy self leveling floor by yourself? Epoxy self leveling construction process I.

2.1.2 determination of water content use a water content tester to measure the water content of the substrate surface.

For cracks with width < 10mm, chisel "V" with opening width of 10mm and depth of about 10mm along the crack   Chevron groove, this "V"   The V-shaped groove shall be leveled with epoxy mortar.

If the alkalinity is too high, use zinc sulfate or zinc chloride solution with a concentration of 15% – 20% to wash the substrate surface.

Finally, rinse it with clean water and dry it.

Crack treatment: close small cracks with epoxy primer and intermediate coating.

If the batch repair is not flat, or too smooth, and the interval is long, it needs to be hardened and dried, fully sanded and cleaned with a vacuum cleaner.

People can get on 12 hours after construction.

Construction process base course inspection and treatment → brushing epoxy sealing primer → lining a layer of glass fiber cloth → grinding and repair → troweling wear-resistant epoxy self leveling intermediate paint → troweling wear-resistant epoxy self leveling surface paint → waxing and curing → completion acceptance 2.

Then, roughen the surface with a grinder to make it reach a certain roughness, so as to improve the adhesion of the new coating and improve the service life of the coated floor.

It is widely used in building construction.

2、 For the construction of epoxy floor primer, the main agent and curing agent shall be mixed in proportion, fully stirred and evenly rolled with a roller within the service time.

It is a popular floor in the market.

The next step can be carried out in 12 hours.

The construction method is as follows: first, brush a layer of rubber on the base course surface that exceeds the cloth width by 100mm, and then pave glass fiber cloth.


Treatment of ground cracks and hollows caused by irregular settlement: cut V-shaped grooves at the cracks with a cutting machine, remove sundries, and then inject mortar.

Do not forcibly pull the cloth during paving to prevent warp and weft aliasing, The cloth should also be gradually unfolded and lined..

3、 Intermediate coating construction epoxy floor intermediate coating batch repair Construction: firstly, fully mix the main agent of intermediate coating evenly, and then mix the main agent and curing agent in proportion to fully mix evenly.

The construction shall be carried out layer by layer until all defective parts such as pits and gaps are scraped to make their flatness ≤ 2mm / m.

4、 For the construction of epoxy putty, firstly, the main agent of finish paint shall be fully stirred evenly, and then the main agent and curing agent shall be mixed in proportion to fully stir evenly.

Construction method 2.1 base course inspection and treatment 2.1.1 determination of pH value for the dried base course surface, Wet an area of about 10C ㎡ with water locally, then paste a pH test paper with the measurement range of 5-14 on the wet base surface to wet it, compare it with the pH value sample within 5S, and read out the pH value.

Generally, the following methods are adopted to discharge water.

If there is grease in the local area, clean it with detergent. the V-shaped groove shall be leveled and reinforced with epoxy mortar.


First, chisel off the cement surface and concrete with bulge, looseness and weak bonding, expose the hard concrete base course and clean it.

1、 Construction scheme of epoxy self leveling ground 1.

When brushing, the brush shall not be dipped too full.

Clean all debris and impurities.

After fully mixing, pour it on the ground and form it at one time with a 2mm trowel.

The pH value of the floor surface shall be 6.8-8.0.

During the rolling coating, it shall be thin and uniform, and the shiny and non shiny parts shall be supplemented in time.

The cutting width is twice the cutting depth.

After mixing, add an appropriate amount of fine quartz sand, fully mix evenly, and scrape with a trowel to make the surface flat.

2.2 apply epoxy sealing primer before applying epoxy mortar, first apply a layer of epoxy sealing primer to ensure good adhesion between epoxy mortar and base surface.

It has excellent floor effect and functionality, beautiful, compressive, wear-resistant, bright color, acid and alkali resistance, easy cleaning and high cost performance.

Expansion joint filling: clean up the garbage in the gap – fill it with epoxy mortar – stick a layer of fiber cloth along the gap.

2.4 paving glass fiber cloth in order to prevent irregular cracking of the ground and enhance the integrity of the ground, a layer of glass fiber cloth is pasted before troweling wear-resistant epoxy self leveling coating.

If the paint in the mixing drum is hardened, it must be stopped and the mixing drum must be replaced at any time.

It is an environment-friendly and pollution-free floor paint.

Generally, the painting sequence shall be from top to bottom, from left to right, from inside to outside, from oblique to straight, from difficult to easy, so as to make the paint film uniform and dense and reach the design thickness.

2.1.3 crack repair for cracks with width ≥ 10mm, epoxy mortar can be used for direct repair.

The next step can be carried out after 24 hours.

base course surface treatment 1.

2.2.2 pour the prepared paint into the small paint bucket prepared in advance.

▲ contact hotline: 15620812476 ▲ contact hotline: 15620812476 how to make epoxy self leveling floor? Epoxy self leveling floor is a kind of epoxy floor.

Requirements for V-groove with opening width of 10mm and depth of about 10mm.

Specific construction steps: cut and shave the crack along the crack with a cutting machine to make the upper opening of the crack in a “V” shape.

When there is ponding, clean it and dry it.