Construction technology suddenly plummeted by more than 50%! What’s wrong with the old fellow?

Last week it was basically 560 yuan per ton, down 200 yuan within a month.

Deputy general manager of Jiangsu Taicang Wugang wharf Co., Ltd   Huang Yong: after the unloading volume of Taicang Wugang wharf hit a record high in August, it fell slightly in September and October.

At present, he is mainly trying his best to ship and reduce inventory.

However, the decline in demand is far more serious than the decline in supply, which has led to pressure on steel mills recently.

Since July, domestic steel mills began to limit production.

There are certain changes in the ore structure, which mainly tends to some low-grade discount mines.

Industry insiders told reporters that crude steel production of many steel mills has declined since July.

Behind the cumulative rise in inventories and the decrease in the arrival of foreign ships is the decline in the market’s intention to buy spot iron ore.

The apparent demand of construction materials calculated in October decreased by about 30% compared with the same period last year, and the industrial materials decreased by about 10%.

The port official said that in the past month, the pressure on the port’s iron ore inventory began to increase, and the rhythm of iron ore import slowed down significantly.

In a steel trading enterprise in Baoshan, Shanghai, workers are cutting and processing steel.

Recently, steel prices began to fall due to the weakening of building materials demand, closing as at 26.

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  Chairman of a steel trading company in Zhejiang Province   Zheng Hao: after October, it was obvious that the demand decreased, and the impact of construction materials was greater.

General manager of an iron ore trading company in Shanghai   Shang long: the mainstream iron ore Pb powder in early November was basically 760 yuan per ton.

  In the first half of this year, the steel price is still in the good market of continuous rise.

The person in charge told reporters that in the face of weak downstream demand, he is also slowing down the purchase of steel.

Under the background of oversupply, the price of iron ore has continued to decline since mid July.

Insiders told reporters that the recent domestic iron ore port inventory rose from 120 million tons to nearly 160 million tons.

The staff told the reporter that the national development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of industry and information technology proposed to ensure the year-on-year decline of national crude steel output in 2021 in the first half of the year, which requires iron and steel enterprises to control output.

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The person in charge told reporters that due to the recent rapid decline in prices, downstream home appliance and machinery manufacturing enterprises prefer to buy Steel in small quantities for many times.

Since November, the price has fallen sharply due to the influence of the downstream finished steel market.

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Iron ore prices plummeted by more than 50%   As the basic raw material of iron and steel, the price of iron ore has also fallen all the way since mid July this year.

What impact has the sharp decline of steel price brought to the steel plant? In an iron and steel plant in Ningbo, Zhejiang Province, the reporter saw that one of the two blast furnaces in the plant had stalled.

Shang long told reporters that on the one hand, iron ore prices continued to decline, on the other hand, the downstream finished steel market was poor, so he also began to reduce inventory and slow down the pace of iron ore procurement.

What is the current production and sales of steel? Downstream demand is sluggish, and steel prices fall by 20% a month.

Steel traders try their best to ship and reduce inventory.

However, with the gradual stabilization of steel prices, the profits of steel mills began to return to normal levels.

  In Hangzhou, Zhejiang, another steel trading enterprise is also facing a similar situation.

The profits of steel mills in Tangshan, Hebei and other places even fell to – 100 yuan per ton of steel.

The real estate market’s performance is also being carried out to the upstream market.

The low point is about mid November and more than 200 yuan per ton.

Under the background of tight funds of real estate developers and poor performance of the real estate market, the demand for steel at the terminal has declined to a certain extent.

The monthly arrival volume of foreign ships was about 27.

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  In early November, many steel mills suffered losses because the cost of steel in stock was higher than the market price.

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The main contract of iron ore futures fell from a high of 1265 yuan / ton to 575.5 yuan / ton on the 26th, with a decline of more than 50% in four months.

However, the prices of both are close to the cost line, with little decline in the short term.

  Director of an iron and steel Data Platform Research Institute   Wang Jinhua: at present, the profit of the steel plant is more than 500 yuan per ton.

At present, the profit of the steel plant has not declined further, but has rebounded.

Industry insiders told reporters that at present, both iron ore and steel are in a state of oversupply.

Business director of an iron and steel international trade company in Ningbo, Zhejiang   Ling Lin: the overall output has decreased by 50% year-on-year.

From mid November, the arrival volume of iron ore decreased month on month.

Source: CCTV finance.

The main price of rebar futures was 4104 yuan per ton, down more than 1700 yuan from the high point in October.

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Sales in September, October and even November fell to a certain extent, down about 15% – 20% year-on-year.

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The future trend of steel price still depends on the recovery speed of downstream demand.

In the past, three layers of steel coils were stacked in the warehouse, but now there are only less than two layers.

  Lin Yanqing, general manager of the investment department of a steel trading group in Shanghai: the spot price of hot coil fell from 5800 yuan per ton in late October to 4600 yuan per ton on November 19, a decrease of 20%.

Industry insiders told reporters that from January to October, the new construction area of houses decreased by 7.7%.

Will the price of iron ore and steel continue to decline in the next stage?   In Taicang port, Jiangsu Province, the reporter saw that dozens of piles of iron ore of different tastes around the world were stacked in the yard.