@Driver, highway condition information of Henan Province. In case of construction or closure, please design the route in advance

#Highway traffic information of Henan Province#   The road condition information released by the provincial highway police joint command center at 08:52 on October 12, 2021 is as follows: 1.

(construction time: October 14 to December 6, 2021) original title: # Henan expressway traffic information #.

(construction time: closed on December 16, 2019, opening time to be determined) 4.


At 18:50 on October 2, 2021, the road surface of K121 + 200 of luolu Expressway in Lushi direction subsided and formed a staggered platform, with a length of about 120m, involving three lanes (overtaking lane, traffic lane and emergency Lane), affecting the safe passage of vehicles, and the main line and ramp in Shangge Lushi direction were closed, All vehicles to Lushi direction need to divert from Shangge station to the next station and take the national highway.

If there is any source error or violation of your legitimate rights and interests, please contact us in time.

Due to rush repair construction, all vehicles are prohibited from entering the station in the west direction of Wangwushan station of Hezhou Baotou expressway, and vehicles traveling in the East and west direction are shunted at the interchange of Hezhou Baotou Expressway and jiluo expressway.

Closed construction of Xinxiang service area of Beijing Hong Kong Macao Expressway (G4).

Closed construction of Baimasi toll station of Erguang Expressway (G55).

Due to road construction, the ramp (two-way) in the direction of Shangqiu from Anluo Expressway (S25) to Shangdeng Expressway (S60) is prohibited.

Construction section: 1.

(construction time: June 15, 2021 – December 31, 2021) 2.

Closure construction of Wugang toll station of Xuguang Expressway (g0421).

(construction time: August 31, 2020 – December 31, 2021) 5.

Closed construction of Longmen service area of Erguang Expressway (G55).

Closed construction of Queshan service area of Beijing Hong Kong Macao Expressway (G4).

(construction time: October 8 to December 8, 2021) 8.

Closed construction of Neihuang toll station of Nanlin Expressway (S22).

(construction time: June 1, 2020 to March 31, 2022) 3.

We will correct, delete or deal with it in accordance with the law..


Cuplock Scaffolding Top Cup

(time: October 26, 2020 – time to be determined) 7.

Source: issued by Henan expressway traffic police joint command center (copyright belongs to the original work, please contact if there is infringement) special statement: the above contents (pictures or videos are also included) are Henan expressway traffic police joint command center (copyright belongs to the original, please contact for infringement) upload and publish, and this platform only provides information storage services.

(construction time: July 29, 2021 – time to be determined) 6.

Due to the maintenance of weighbridge, trucks are prohibited from entering the station at Fanxian station of Taihui expressway.


Trucks are not allowed to pass at the entrance and exit of Xiatang toll station of Zheng Luan Expressway (S88).

Notice: the content blog (including the images and video sifany) is uploaded and hosted by auser of Netease Hao, which is a social media format and only provides information storage services (statement: this WeChat official account is published for the purpose of more information.

Other expressways in the province pass smoothly.