Electric bicycles are strictly prohibited from entering the construction area and office area of the construction site! It is strictly

The parking and charging place of electric bicycles shall be located where the fire rescue force is convenient for fire fighting, In addition, it shall not occupy the fire separation distance, fire lane, fire climbing operation site, emergency exit and evacuation passage, and shall not affect the normal use of fire-fighting facilities.

The EPC contractor and the supervision unit shall strengthen the mobilization management of electric transport machinery.

(2) it is strictly prohibited to use electric transport machinery not produced by the original factory or modified without permission.

(2) strictly implement the provisions on the prohibition of electric transport machinery.

Jing Jian Fa [2021] No.

In this regard, many documents have been issued: first, in January 2021, Changzhou, Jiangsu issued more stringent requirements: all kinds of small electric transport machinery are prohibited from being used on the construction site, and all small electric transport machinery that have entered the site will leave the site.

For electric construction machinery vehicles that cannot be centrally parked and charged in the living area, the general construction contractor shall uniformly designate a parking and charging area in the construction area for centralized parking and charging, and the charging area shall be selected in an open and well ventilated area During charging, special personnel shall be assigned to take care of the charging area, and full-time personnel shall be arranged to patrol the safety status of the charging area at least twice a day, and make patrol records.

If electric bicycles need to be charged in the living area, the project department shall set up electric bicycle charging facilities outside the living area to implement outdoor centralized parking and charging of electric bicycles.

It is strictly prohibited to bring the electric bicycle or electric bicycle battery into the room for charging.

In order to deeply learn the lessons of fire accidents, strengthen the safety management of electric bicycle use on the construction site of housing construction and municipal infrastructure projects in the city, and effectively prevent fire accidents caused by electric bicycle charging, the relevant requirements are notified as follows: first, electric bicycles are strictly prohibited Enter the construction area and office area of the construction site.

(3) before taking the post for the first time, drivers must be trained and qualified by the construction enterprise, understand the driving precautions and have the corresponding driving ability.

In order to deeply draw lessons from fire accidents and strengthen the safety management of electric bicycles on the construction site of housing construction and municipal infrastructure projects in the city.


The general contractor of each project is responsible for the unified management of electric three (four) wheeled vehicles, electric trolleys and other electric construction machinery vehicles on the construction site.

Electric bicycles are strictly prohibited from entering the construction area and office area of the construction site.

The general contractor of each project shall be responsible for the power III (IV) of the construction site For the unified management of electric construction machinery vehicles such as wheeled vehicles and electric trolleys, the standing book of electric construction machinery vehicles shall be established, and the full-time driver shall be responsible for the operation.

the general contractor and the supervision unit shall strengthen the management of parking, maintenance and scrapping of electric transport machinery (I) set up a special place for parking and charging, and it is strictly prohibited to park or charge in the temporary movable board room..

Electric bicycles shall be implemented Outdoor centralized parking and charging.


3、 On October 11, 2021, Liuzhou Municipal Bureau of housing and urban rural development of Guangxi issued a notice: it is strictly prohibited for electric transport machinery to drive into the construction elevator, construction floor or basement.

Each project shall establish a daily fire management and fire inspection system for electric bicycles, specify special personnel to be responsible for temporary power lines and charging facilities, and fix the charging facilities and Fire fighting facilities and equipment shall be managed in a unified manner, fire prevention inspection shall be organized regularly, fire prevention patrol at night shall be strengthened, and fire hazards shall be found and eliminated in time.

1 community, resulting in 5 deaths and fire It is preliminarily determined that the lithium battery of electric bicycle exploded and caught fire when charging at home.

Some products can not even provide the certificate of conformity, especially the frequent production safety accidents caused by the careless management of the use of such electric transport machinery in the project recently.

Punishment: the behavior of “electric transport machinery driving into construction elevator, construction floor or basement” shall be listed as “zero tolerance” In case of potential safety hazards, the responsible person and the responsible unit shall be seriously dealt with.

(1) each project shall prepare corresponding use management systems.

Set up a special place for parking and charging.

Construction elevator: electric vehicles illegally entered the lifting cage, and the cage door of the elevator was broken.

During charging, special personnel shall be assigned to take care of the charging area, and full-time personnel shall be arranged to patrol the safety condition of the charging area at least twice a day.

on September 20, a fire was caused in a community in Tongzhou due to the indoor charging of electric bicycles, resulting in five deaths.

313 all relevant units: on September 20, a fire was caused by indoor charging of electric bicycles in Tongzhou No.

If the performance of electric transport machinery does not meet the requirements of safe production, it shall not be used again.

Source: Beijing Municipal Construction Commission, Liuzhou Municipal Bureau of housing and urban rural development, etc.

Fifth, fire education and training shall be widely carried out.

Strengthen the training and education of relevant personnel, focusing on training them to master the common sense of safe use of battery charging, standardized operation and other skills.

2、 In March 2021, Fuzhou Municipal Bureau of housing and urban rural development issued a notice: it is strictly prohibited for electric engineering tricycles to drive into the construction elevator, construction floor or basement, and it is strictly prohibited to push people on the engineering vehicle by electric hand.

Beijing Municipal Commission of housing and urban rural development, September 26, 2021 Notice on the management of transmission machinery Liu Jian Zhi Xiao Zi [2021] No.


(4) The loading weight of electric transport machinery shall not exceed the rated load of electric vehicles.


Electric tricycles must be purchased from regular manufacturers with certificates, operation instructions and other factory data.

EPC contractor and the supervision unit The unit shall strengthen the use management of electric transport machinery.


Attached Beijing Original: Notice of Beijing Municipal Commission of housing and urban rural development on strengthening the safety management of electric bicycles on the construction site.

Electric tricycles can only be used after being accepted and registered by the EPC contractor and the supervision unit.



Each project construction general contractor shall carry out fire fighting and emergency evacuation plan according to the fire fighting and emergency evacuation plan It is hereby notified that the fire emergency drill including electric bicycle fire prevention shall be organized at least once every six months, and the special fire safety inspection on the construction site shall be organized every month to take fire safety precautions in time and eliminate potential fire hazards.

In order to further strengthen the housing construction of our city For the safety management of political engineering, the notice on strengthening the safety management of electric transport machinery on the construction site is as follows: 1.

It is strictly prohibited to bring electric bicycles or electric bicycle batteries indoors for charging.

21 municipal construction management center, housing and construction departments and quality and safety supervision institutions of counties, districts and new areas, and project participants: at present, electric engineering tricycles and electric hand-propelled engineering vehicles are widely used in projects under construction (hereinafter referred to as electric transportation machinery) And other types of vehicles transport blocks, mortar, doors and windows and other materials, but the performance of the electric transport machinery used at the construction site of our city is different, and the product quality is uneven.

In addition to fire accidents, there are frequent safety production accidents caused by the project’s neglect of management of the use of this kind of electric transportation machinery.

(3) It is strictly forbidden to use electric transport machinery to carry people.

Each project shall cooperate with the local township government, sub District Office and community by setting up billboards, posting posters, organizing on-site warning education on electric bicycle fire and carrying out special topics Regularly carry out fire prevention publicity and education on electric bicycle fire prevention by means of training, so as to improve the fire safety awareness of project personnel.

It is strictly prohibited to park or charge in the temporary movable board room.

strengthen patrol inspection.

carry out fire emergency drill.

The cause of the fire was preliminarily determined to be an explosion and fire when the lithium battery of electric bicycles was charged at home.

A special parking area for electric bicycles shall be set outdoors in the living area of the construction site and marked, and electric bicycles shall be stored in the special area.

It is forbidden to use electric transport machinery to carry people.

strictly manage the parking and charging of electric construction machinery and vehicles.

The general contractor of each project shall strictly implement the closed management of the construction site and prohibit electric bicycles from entering the construction area and office area of the construction site.


The provisions on the prohibition of the use of electric transport machinery on the construction site (1) it is strictly prohibited for electric transport machinery to drive into the construction elevator, construction floor or basement.