Fire code! Chapter V installation of valve driving device in construction and acceptance of gas fire extinguishing system!

One pipe clamp shall be added at the turning.

The following statement about the pneumatic pipeline air tightness test of gas fire extinguishing system is incorrect(   ) A.

The inspection method can be observed and measured with a ruler.

  5.4.6   Pneumatic tightness test shall be conducted for the pipeline of pneumatic drive device after installation, and it shall be qualified.

Click the blank below to obtain the answer C [analysis] Slowly boost the pressure to the test pressure at a boosting rate of no more than 0.5mpa/s.


This provision is to improve the reliability of the fire extinguishing system and prevent misoperation.)   5.4.2   When installing the gravity mechanical driving device, ensure that the heavy object is not blocked in the falling stroke, and the falling stroke shall ensure the distance required for driving, and shall not be less than 25mm.


The cable sleeve and protection box shall be firmly fixed.

(3) The horizontal pipeline shall be fixed with pipe clamps.

the pressurized medium for the test can be air or nitrogen C.

Special guide pulley shall be used at the turning of cable.

According to the code for construction and acceptance of gas fire extinguishing systems (gb50263), When installing the pipeline of pneumatic driving device of gas fire extinguishing system, the horizontal pipeline shall be fixed with pipe clamps, and the spacing between pipe clamps shall not be greater than(    ) m.


Anti sway supports or pipe clamps shall be set at the beginning and end of vertical pipes.

Except for the necessary exposed parts, the cable shall be protected by steel pipes with internal and external anti-corrosion treatment.

The spacing between pipe clamps shall not be greater than 0.6m.

The handle at the end of the cable shall be set in a special protection box.

C error.

The support, frame or box of driving gas cylinder shall be firmly fixed and subject to anti-corrosion treatment.

0.8 answer click the blank below to get the answer a [analysis] the pipeline installation regulations of pneumatic drive device are as follows: (1) the pipeline layout shall meet the design requirements.

One pipe clamp shall be added at the corner.


Horizontal pipes shall be fixed with pipe clamps.

Inspection quantity: full inspection.

  5.4.4   The installation of pneumatic driving device shall comply with the following provisions: 1.

(2) the vertical pipeline shall be provided with anti sway support or fixed with pipe clamp at its beginning and end.

(usually, the outlet of the pneumatic driving device is directly connected with the container valve of the fire extinguishing agent storage container and the selection valve of the protection area or protected object.


during the air tightness test, the pressure rise rate shall not be greater than 0.3mpa/sd.

The driving cylinder shall be provided with permanent marks indicating the name of the driving medium, the name or number of the corresponding protection area or protection object, and shall be easy to observe.

The spacing between pipe clamps shall not be greater than 0.6m.

In case of leakage, the pressure of the driving gas may be lower than the pressure required to open the selection valve and container valve, resulting in the failure to open the selection valve and container valve.

The cable type mechanical driving device is usually installed outside the protection area, usually at the door of the protection area, and is located at the same place as the electrical start / stop button.

The method of pneumatic tightness test is as follows: The pressure of the tightness test is the storage pressure of the driving gas, and the pressurized medium can be air or nitrogen.

  5.4.5   The pipeline installation of pneumatic drive device shall comply with the following provisions: 1.


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Add a pipe clamp at the corner.

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The pipeline layout shall meet the design requirements.

Therefore, it is necessary to conduct a pneumatic tightness test after installation.


The driving cylinder will vibrate and shake due to the impact of high-speed air flow during release.

  The test pressure shall be the storage pressure of the driving gas B.

  5.4.3   The electrical connection line of the electromagnetic drive shall be fixed along the support, frame or wall of the fixed fire extinguishing agent storage container.

Foot Mounted Anchor


During the tightness test, the pressure shall be slowly boosted to the test pressure at a boosting rate of no more than 0.5mpa/s, and the pressure drop within 3min after the test air source is shut off shall not exceed 10% of the test pressure.) the real problem is consolidated online.


(the cable type mechanical driving device is a remote manual device that controls the release of fire extinguishing agent through the cable.

  5.4.1   The installation of cable type mechanical driving device shall comply with the following provisions: 1.



Therefore, the driving cylinder shall be firmly fixed during installation.

The qualified answer is that the pressure drop within the pressure stabilization time does not exceed 10% of the test pressure.

Inspection method: according to section E.1 of this specification.