Fire code! Maintenance management in the last chapter of code for construction and acceptance of gas fire extinguishing system!

  8.0.4   The maintenance and management of the automatic fire alarm system supporting the gas fire extinguishing system shall be carried out in accordance with the current national standard code for construction and acceptance of automatic fire alarm system gb50116.

it shall be in accordance with the safety supervision regulations for gas cylinders Maintain the steel cylinders used in the gas fire extinguishing system C.

The inspection contents and requirements of high-pressure carbon dioxide fire extinguishing system, heptafluoropropane pipe network fire extinguishing system and IG541 fire extinguishing system shall comply with the following provisions: 1) fire extinguishing agent storage container and container valve, one-way valve, connecting pipe, collecting pipe, safety relief device, selector valve, valve driving device, nozzle, signal feedback device, leak detection device All system components such as pressure relief device shall be free of collision deformation and other mechanical damage, the surface shall be free of corrosion, the protective coating shall be intact, the nameplate and signboard shall be clear, and the protective cover, lead seal and safety signs of manual operation device shall be complete.


Its inspection and maintenance personnel should have certain basic technology and professional knowledge and be competent after special training.)   8.0.3   The gas fire extinguishing system shall be inspected according to the inspection category, and the inspection records shall be made according to table F of this specification.

The storage container of gas fire extinguishing system shall be sampled regularly and sent to the National Fire Product Inspection Center for inspection.

Check the liquid level gauge of the storage device of the low-pressure carbon dioxide fire extinguishing system, and replenish it in time when the fire extinguishing agent is lost by 10%.

  8.0.2   The gas fire extinguishing system shall be regularly inspected and maintained by a specially trained and qualified full-time person.

Weigh and check the high-pressure carbon dioxide storage containers one by one, and the net weight of fire extinguishing agent shall not be less than 90% of the design storage capacity.

Click the blank below to get the answer B [analysis] The annual inspection requirements for different reservoirs are different, so item a is wrong.

2) The pressure in the storage container of fire extinguishing agent and driving gas shall not be less than 90% of the design storage pressure.


Operation and maintenance instructions of the system and its main components.

Flat Rubber Recess Former

The pressure in the storage container of heptafluoropropane fire extinguishing system shall not be less than 90% of the design storage pressure, so item D is wrong.

The equipment, fire extinguishing agent transmission pipeline, supports and hangers in the storage device room shall be fixed without looseness.

   8.0.1   When the gas fire extinguishing system is put into use, it shall have the following documents and electronic backup files for permanent storage.

Check the operation of the low-pressure carbon dioxide storage device and the equipment status between the storage devices every day B.

Today we want to share the content of Chapter 8 maintenance management of code for construction and acceptance of gas fire extinguishing system.

The statement about the periodic inspection items of gas fire extinguishing system maintenance management is wrong(    )。 A.

If the fire extinguishing agent delivery pipeline is damaged or blocked, the tightness test and purging shall be carried out according to the provisions of section E.1 of this specification.

  8.0.5   The operation of low-pressure carbon dioxide storage device and the equipment status in the storage device room shall be checked and recorded every day.


The type and distribution of combustibles and the opening of the protection area shall meet the design requirements.

conduct a simulated start-up test for the selected protection area every year D.

The high-pressure carbon dioxide storage containers are weighed and inspected one by one every quarter, so item C is wrong.


  8.0.6   The monthly inspection shall meet the following requirements: 1.


check the liquid level of the storage device of the low-pressure carbon dioxide fire extinguishing system every month.

If necessary, send it to the legal quality inspection organization for testing or replacement.

The equipment status and operation status of the prefabricated fire extinguishing system shall be normal.

Click the blank below to get the answer C [analysis] Conduct simulated start-up test for each protection area once a year.



check the equipment status and operation of the prefabricated fire extinguishing system every month C.

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  8.0.7   The gas fire extinguishing system shall be comprehensively inspected once a quarter and shall meet the following requirements: 1.

Watchman code and operation log.

The connecting pipe shall be free of deformation, crack and aging.

The following statements about the maintenance and management of gas fire extinguishing system are correct(    )。 A.

weigh and check the high-pressure carbon dioxide storage containers one by one every two quarters D.

if it is found that the pressure in the storage container of heptafluoropropane fire extinguishing system is lower than the rated working pressure, it shall be pressurized with nitrogen immediately.

System work flow chart and operating procedures.



Each nozzle orifice shall be free from blockage.

System maintenance and inspection record sheet.

The problems found in the inspection shall be handled in time.

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  8.0.9   The maintenance and management of low-pressure carbon dioxide fire extinguishing agent storage container shall be implemented in accordance with the supervision regulations on safety technology of pressure vessels; The maintenance and management of steel cylinders shall be carried out in accordance with the gas cylinder safety supervision regulations.


The pressure test cycle of fire extinguishing agent transmission pipeline shall be implemented in accordance with regulations on safety management and supervision of pressure pipeline.

(the gas fire extinguishing system has a complex structure and belongs to medium and high pressure system.

  8.0.8   One simulated start-up test shall be conducted for each protection area every year according to section E.2 of this specification, and one simulated air injection test shall be conducted according to article 7.4.2 of this specification.
