How to divide the construction quality acceptance inspection batches? How to sample?

fifteen point three   The capacity of inspection lot is determined by the number of rooms..

If less than 6 frames, all the windows shall be inspected.

(4) Glass partition wall: at least 20% of each inspection lot shall be spot checked, and there shall be no less than 6.

(2) For indoor plastering works with the same material process and construction conditions, every 50 natural rooms (large rooms and corridors are divided into one room with plastering area of 30 m2) shall be divided into one inspection batch, and less than 50 rooms shall also be divided into one inspection batch.

10 building floor 10.1   The inspection lot shall be divided according to each layer or construction section (or deformation joint) of each layer.

12.1 external wall waterproofing   The inspection lot shall be divided into one inspection lot according to the external wall area of 500 ㎡ ~ 1000 ㎡, and less than 500 ㎡ shall also be divided into one inspection lot.

four point two   The inspection lot capacity and minimum sampling quantity shall be determined according to code for acceptance of construction quality of concrete structures (gb50204-2015).

If it is less than 10, it shall be checked in full.

For the standard layer of high-rise building, the inspection lot can be divided according to every three layers (less than three layers are counted as three layers).

If less than 3 rooms, all shall be inspected.

If there are less than 3 rooms, all of them shall be inspected.

13.1 doors and windows   Division of inspection lot (1) every 100 pieces of wooden doors and windows, metal doors and windows, plastic doors and windows and door and window glass of the same variety, type and specification shall be divided into one inspection lot, and less than 100 pieces shall also be divided into one inspection lot.

three point two   Inspection lot capacity and minimum sampling quantity 4 concrete structure 4.1   Division of inspection lot each subdivisional project can be divided into several inspection lots according to the mobilization batch, work shift, floor, structural joint or construction section according to the principle of being consistent with the production and construction mode and easy to control the construction quality.

(2) At least 50% of each inspection lot of special doors shall be spot checked, and shall not be less than 10.

If there is any infringement, please contact and delete the division, capacity and sampling of the summary inspection lot according to the unified standard for acceptance of construction quality of Building Engineering (gb50300-2013) for reference only.

8 aluminum alloy structure 8.1   Division of inspection lot 8.2   The minimum sampling quantity shall be determined according to code for acceptance of construction quality of aluminum alloy structures (gb50576-2010).

15 light partition 15.1   Inspection lot division for the same type of light partition wall project, every 50 rooms (large rooms and corridors shall be divided into one room according to the wall area of light partition wall of 30 m2) shall be divided into one inspection lot, and less than 50 rooms shall also be divided into one inspection lot.

If it is less than 3, it shall be checked in full.

two point three   Minimum sampling quantity 3 underground waterproofing 3.1   Division of inspection lots (1) the main structure waterproof works and detail structure waterproof works shall be divided into inspection lots according to the construction sections such as structural layer, deformation joint or post cast strip; (2) Special construction method structural waterproof works shall be divided into inspection batches according to tunnel sections, deformation joints and other construction sections; (3) Drainage works and grouting works shall be one inspection lot respectively.

If it is less than 4, it shall be inspected in full.

ten point three   The capacity of the inspection lot is based on the natural room (or standard room), in which the corridor (aisle) shall be 1 with an extension of 10 meters, and the industrial plant (based on single span), auditorium and lobby shall be 1 with two axes.

(2) Special doors of the same variety, type and specification shall be divided into one inspection lot for every 50 frames, and less than 50 frames shall also be divided into one inspection lot.

Please refer to the local requirements and the latest standards ↓↓↓ 1.1 foundation   Division of inspection lot the foundation sub division can be divided into one inspection lot according to the foundation type.

If there are less than 6, all of them shall be inspected.

thirteen point two   Minimum sampling quantity (1) for wooden doors and windows, metal doors and windows, plastic doors and windows and door and window glass, at least 5% of each inspection lot shall be spot checked, and shall not be less than 3.

Fixing Socket Cross Hole Nail Plate

fourteen point three   The capacity of inspection lot is determined by the number of rooms.

two point two   The inspection lot capacity of pile foundation works is based on the number of piles.

eleven point two   Minimum sampling quantity (1) at least 10% of each indoor inspection lot shall be sampled, and not less than 3; If it is less than 3 rooms, all shall be checked.

11.1 plastering   Inspection lot division (1) outdoor plastering works with the same material process and construction conditions shall be divided into one inspection lot every 500 ~ 1000 m2, and less than 500 M2 shall also be divided into one inspection lot.

six point two   The minimum sampling quantity shall be determined according to code for acceptance of construction quality of steel structures (gb50205-2020).

fifteen point two   Minimum sampling quantity (1) plate partition wall: at least 10% of each inspection lot shall be sampled, and not less than 3 rooms shall be inspected.

(2) At least one spot check shall be conducted for every 100 ㎡ of each outdoor inspection lot, and each spot shall not be less than 10 ㎡.

one point two   Inspection lot capacity the inspection lot capacity can be calculated according to the foundation area, and the composite foundation can be calculated according to the number of piles.

If less than 6 rooms, all shall be inspected.

five point two   5.3 cubic quantity of inspection lot capacity masonry   Minimum sampling quantity when sampling inspection of inspection lot in masonry structure subdivisional works, the minimum sample capacity of each sampling inspection item shall not be less than 5 unless there are special requirements.

5 masonry structure 5.1   Division of inspection lot (1) the type of materials used and the strength grade of materials of the same type are the same; (2) Masonry not exceeding 250m3; (3) One floor of main structure masonry (Foundation masonry can be calculated as one floor); When the masonry quantity of infilled wall is small, multiple floors can be combined.

fourteen point two   The minimum sampling quantity shall be at least 10% of each inspection lot, and shall not be less than 3.

14.1 suspended ceiling   Inspection lot Division: for ceiling works of the same type, every 50 rooms (large rooms and corridors shall be divided into one room with ceiling area of 30 m2) shall be divided into one inspection lot, and less than 50 rooms shall also be divided into one inspection lot.

If the quantities are large or the construction organization design and special construction scheme require sectional construction, it can be divided into several inspection lots according to the construction section.

6.1 steel structure   The division of inspection lot shall be determined according to code for acceptance of construction quality of steel structures (gb50205-2020).

9.1 timber structure   Division of inspection lot 9.2   The minimum sampling quantity shall be determined according to code for acceptance of construction quality of wood structure engineering gb50206-2012.

7 concrete filled steel tubular structure and steel reinforced concrete structure 7.1   The division of inspection lot can refer to the division principle of concrete and steel structure 7.2   The minimum sampling quantity of concrete filled steel tubular structures shall be determined according to code for acceptance of construction quality of concrete filled steel tubular Engineering (gb50628-2010); Steel reinforced concrete structure can be determined according to code for construction of steel concrete composite structures (gb50901-2013).

ten point two   The minimum sampling quantity and random inspection quantity shall not be less than 3; If there are less than 3 rooms, all shall be inspected; For the construction quality of subdivisional works of sub divisional works of building surface with waterproof requirements, the random inspection quantity of each inspection batch shall be based on the total number of rooms, which shall not be less than 4.

(3) Movable partition wall: at least 20% of each inspection lot shall be randomly selected, and not less than 6 rooms shall be inspected.

thirteen point three   The capacity of inspection lot is calculated according to the number of pieces.

If it is less than 3, it shall be fully inspected; For each inspection lot of exterior windows of high-rise buildings, at least 10% shall be spot checked, and not less than 6 frames.

(2) Skeleton partition wall: at least 10% of each inspection lot shall be spot checked, and there shall be no less than 3 rooms.

Source: the copyright of the inspection learning circle belongs to the original author.

twelve point three   The capacity of the inspection lot is based on the area of the outer wall.

eleven point three   The capacity of the inspection lot shall be based on the natural room (or standard room) for indoor plastering and the area for outdoor plastering.

one point three   Minimum sampling quantity 2 pile foundation 2.1   Inspection lot can be divided into one inspection lot according to pile type and concrete strength grade.

twelve point two   Minimum sampling quantity: at least one spot check shall be conducted for every 100 ㎡ of each inspection lot, and each spot shall not be less than 10 ㎡ and not less than 3; All joint structures shall be checked.