The Ministry of housing and urban rural development issued the guidelines for the preparation of special construction schemes for “dangerous


(4) Construction process and technology 1.


(3) Road traffic load.


Construction plane layout: (1) General layout of Construction: layout of temporary construction roads and material storage yards, layout of construction, office and living areas, layout of temporary power, water, drainage and fire fighting, configuration of hoisting machinery, installation and disassembly site of hoisting machinery, etc.

Full time safety personnel: list of full-time safety production management personnel and post responsibilities.


Construction requirements: specify quality and safety objectives and construction period requirements (commencement date and planned completion date of the project), planned commencement date and planned completion date of hoisting, installation and disassembly works.

(5) Construction assurance measures 1.

Professional knowledge of infrastructure engineering machinery < < knowledgeschool > > the Ministry of housing and urban rural development issued the lifting, hoisting, installation and disassembly works of the preparation guide for the special construction scheme of “dangerous large projects” (I) project overview 1.


Legal basis: relevant laws, regulations, normative documents, standards, specifications, etc.

(can be represented by diagrams and tables); determine the composition of acceptance personnel (relevant principals of construction, design, construction, supervision, monitoring and other units).

for hoisting, installation and disassembly works.



Composition and responsibilities of emergency response leading group and emergency rescue group, including rescue, security, logistics, medical rescue, aftermath, emergency rescue workflow, contact information, etc.

Construction schedule: the construction schedule of lifting, hoisting and installation, increasing the lifting height by arm and dismantling works, which is specific to the schedule of each subdivisional works.

Special operation personnel: list of licensed personnel and post responsibilities of mechanical equipment operators.

(2) Location of the project, site and its surrounding environment (including the location relationship of adjacent buildings (structures), roads and underground aboveground pipelines, high-voltage lines and foundation pits), transportation of fabricated building components and storage yard, etc.

(6) Construction management, staffing and division of labor 1.

Project documents: construction drawing design documents, hoisting equipment and facility operation manuals (operation instructions), instructions for installed equipment and facilities, construction contracts, etc.

(2) characteristics and buried depth of underground pipelines (including water supply, drainage, gas, heat, power supply, communication, fire fighting, etc.).

Emergency events (major hidden dangers and accidents) and their emergency measures..




Technical parameters: technical parameters such as materials, specifications and support forms used in the project, name, model, delivery time, performance, self weight, etc.

(3) Construction plan 1.

Organizational assurance measures: safety organization, safety assurance system and personnel safety responsibilities.

Construction management personnel: list of management personnel and post responsibilities (such as project leader, project technical leader, construction worker, quality controller, team leaders, etc.).

of hoisting, installation and disassembly equipment and facilities, quantity, lifting weight, lifting height, lifting point, volume, structural form, center of gravity, permeability, wind load coefficient, size and positioning position of suspended objects Set and other performance parameters.

Safety inspection requirements: mobilization quality inspection and sampling inspection of main materials and mechanical equipment during hoisting and disassembly, trial hoisting operation scheme and relevant process, process and construction method safety and quality inspection contents compared with the special construction scheme before trial hoisting.


Monitoring measures: setting of monitoring points, monitoring instruments, equipment and personnel Equipment, monitoring mode, method, frequency, information feedback, etc.

Material and equipment plan: the detailed list of materials, mechanical equipment and labor force selected for lifting, hoisting, installation and dismantling works.

Operation requirements: temporary stability and stability measures during hoisting and disassembly.

Acceptance procedures and personnel: early acceptance of equipment and hoisted objects during operation, acceptance of process monitoring (measurement) measures, etc.

Technical measures: safety assurance measures, quality and technical assurance measures, civilized construction assurance measures, environmental protection measures, seasonal and typhoon prevention construction assurance measures, etc.

Process flow: construction process flow diagram of hoisting, installation and disassembly works, hoisting or disassembly procedures and steps, secondary transportation path diagram, and transportation sequence arrangement of batch equipment.

Labor plan.

(7) Acceptance requirements 1.

Risk identification and classification: risk factor identification and safety risk classification of hoisting, installation and disassembly works.

(8) Emergency response measures 1.

(3) Current situation of adjacent buildings (structures), roads and underground pipelines (including foundation pit depth, number of floors, height, structural type, etc.) (4) climatic characteristics and seasonal weather of the construction site.

Construction organization design, etc.

Construction method: multi machine combined lifting operation (vertical, horizontal, overturned and handed over) and hoisting, installation and disassembly of tower group operation, use of mechanical equipment and materials, operation methods during hoisting, removal methods of mechanical equipment and materials after hoisting operation, etc.

Responsible main units of all parties involved in the construction.

Acceptance criteria: acceptance criteria and acceptance conditions of each process and node in the process of hoisting and installation of hoisting machinery, equipment and facilities.



If temporary support is involved, corresponding construction technology and relevant operations of hoisting and disassembly shall be provided Make specific requirements and process requirements for transportation, placement, jig frame, assembly, lifting, installation and disassembly.

(2) Preparation basis 1.



Other operation personnel: list of other personnel and post responsibilities.

Magnetic Box Adapter

Acceptance contents: acceptance standards and acceptance forms for materials, mechanical equipment and facilities entering the site, key links of safety technical control in the whole process of hoisting and disassembly, foundation bearing capacity meeting the requirements, lifting performance meeting the requirements, hoists, cables, clamps and tools in good condition, center of gravity of the lifted object confirmed, and weld strength meeting the design requirements The lifting track is correct and the signal command mode is determined.

Overview and characteristics of lifting, hoisting, installation and disassembly works: (1) overview of the project, lifting, installation and disassembly works.




