Why are women not allowed to enter the tunnel during tunnel construction?

From the perspective of history and reality, providing special labor protection for women is the policy and practice of most countries and the international labor group China has formed a series of special protection systems for female workers through the law on the protection of women’s rights and interests, the labor law and the provisions on the scope of taboo labor for female workers, such as the provisions on the scope of taboo labor for female workers issued by the Ministry of labor Article 3 stipulates that female underground mining operations are prohibited; it also stipulates special protection for female workers during the period of physiological function change, such as menstruation, married waiting for pregnancy, pregnancy, childbirth and lactation.

Later, there were several similar situations…

Blood pollution is inextricably related to war and death, so there is also the concept that women are dirty and dangerous and must be excluded.

Tunnels are mostly drilling mountains and walls, which is closely related to mountains.

It is inconvenient for men and women to work together.

In addition to the general factors causing women’s taboos and engineering taboos, it also has its own special reasons.

If men and women work closely together all day, it is easy to cause men and women problems.

Taboo mainly reflects people’s general psychology of seeking happiness and avoiding harm.

Another saying is that in the tunnel, the construction personnel are men and there is no toilet.

on the other hand, due to physiological reasons, women’s unique periodic menstruation makes women with blood pollution Connection.

In order to protect women’s health, girls are not allowed to enter the tunnel.

Later social consciousness expanded and strengthened this central idea, so in this pattern, the difference between men and women was emphasized, and women were always in a subordinate position, weak, or even denied – this is also the practical reason for many female sexual taboos.

It is worth mentioning that almost all these construction taboos only appear in the construction process and follow the work At the end of the project, these threats to the smooth progress of the project will be naturally eliminated, and the taboos will be naturally removed.

However, the far-reaching Buddhist thought in China believes that mountains have Buddha nature and are sacred and clean.

Although women are prohibited from entering the tunnel under any pretext during the construction process to avoid the bad omens brought by women to the construction, this taboo is limited to the construction period.

Tunnel women’s taboo is not only one of many women’s taboos, but also one of Engineering taboos.

These can not be banned, but they slowly acquiesce.

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Travel everywhere, Wu taixun, who has been working on the project for decades, said that people who do the project pay more attention to good luck and like to please omens.

It is said that when the tunnel is built, if women go in, it will bring bad luck (this concept is very serious in some cities in the South) , the tunnel will collapse.

In addition to the influence of practical interests and folk customs, a series of special legal protection for women also contributed to the emergence of these female taboos.

Taboo is a folk belief.

On the one hand, these show the progress of society, on the other hand, they are also the result of the improvement of women’s status and ability.

China, which has been eroded by feudal ethics for a long time, has always been unequal between men and women, and women are regarded as men The existence of sexual appendages, especially in the Han cultural circle.

For example, the widely worshipped fertility goddess, Guanyin for giving children, etc.

Compared with ordinary engineering operations, tunnel construction has certain particularity.

In some ways, there is no way to prohibit women from entering.

With the completion of the tunnel, women’s threat to the smooth construction of the tunnel will naturally disappear, and this taboo will be lifted naturally.

This method is good for protecting women and improving the reproductive quality of offspring, but it has become an obstacle to women’s extensive employment to some extent.

Since ancient times, China has revered mountains and believed that mountains are owned by mountain gods and are inviolable, otherwise they will cause mountain gods to become angry and lead to disasters.

In many temples, women are forbidden to enter temples during menstruation, otherwise it is against the Buddha Disrespectful.

The expert group reviews the drawings There are also many female experts in the tunnel review.

Now, with the popularization of scientific knowledge, the wind of fans is fading, women’s status in society is improving, and their misunderstanding and fear of women are slowly increasing More and more prohibitions began to be lifted after the disappearance.

Women in tunnel construction are far less competent than men In addition, tunnel construction is often carried out in the tunnel, which is characterized by high temperature and muggy.

We can’t simply accuse it of superstition in science and logic.

Why don’t women enter the tunnel…

In China, the emergence of female taboos is also related to its special humanistic environment.

Nowadays, in most places, women can enter the tunnel and even participate in construction and technical management.

Under the same working environment, the same occupational harmful factors will It has special adverse effects on women’s health, especially in the process of changes in women’s physiological functions such as menstruation, pregnancy, childbirth and lactation.

For example, in the construction of a tunnel project, the experimental director of the project department is a woman and often has to enter the tunnel for experiments, which is necessary for the work.

The environment in the tunnel is secret.

I remember when Xiao Bian was the director of Huishen Coastal Expressway, the director of the laboratory of the director’s office was a lesbian, and the construction party firmly refused to let the female director of the laboratory into the tunnel…

Men are in the tunnel, and women are very inconvenient.

Buddhism believes that women are sinful and despise women.

Therefore, they will fire guns, kill chickens and hang red silk to ward off evil spirits and good luck before starting the project.

In addition, there are some practical and specific reasons for women’s taboo in tunnels.

After the tunnel construction is completed, women can be free Entering the tunnel will not bring bad luck to the tunnel.

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Of course, there are some vulgar explanations…

Through consulting relevant materials, it is found that not only tunnels are built in contemporary China Women are not allowed to enter the tunnel.

This is that women are prohibited from entering the tunnel An important reason.

This has led to female taboos.

During the construction of tunnels in Japan and other countries and in ancient China, women are forbidden to enter the tunnel.

At present, many countries have begun to lift the ban, such as women in the United States and the Netherlands Well operation.

Of course, this is superstition.

There are many taboos specifically for women: it is forbidden to cross bridges In the process, women get on the bridge, otherwise the bridge will collapse; women are forbidden to go to the place where they dig a new well and think that women are moldy, and women can’t dig a well when they look at drilling a well; women are forbidden to sit across the beam purlin used for building a house, for fear of rushing the house God, and there will be disasters if the house is not built firmly in the future.

For example, it is inconvenient for men to wear as few clothes as possible in summer, and it is inconvenient for women to work together.

Women have always had a special position in faith: on the one hand, because they can give birth to life, women usually symbolize fertility and richness and are widely worshipped.

There are dross in its customs, but there are also some objective reasons.

As for the reasons, I heard many statements before, which can be roughly divided into two kinds: one is about tunnel taboo and female taboo (geomantic omen), a superstitious saying that women have heavy Yin Qi.

These legal provisions are based on the fact that female workers’ physiological function and physical characteristics are different from men and the need to raise offspring.

At the end of the project, they will also fire guns and hang red silk.

First of all, tunnels are mostly underground excavation or drilling mountains and walls, with strong technology, high work intensity, more secrecy and danger, and higher requirements for physical strength and physical fitness.

Why didn’t women enter during tunnel construction…

It is easy to cause some unnecessary problems.

Taboo psychology and customs have not completely disappeared in today’s society, which is worthy of our study.