Beijing 𞓜 elevator inspection regulations on construction site will be launched soon. What do you think?

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However, many provisions of this standard are not applicable to the inspection of goods rack and pinion construction elevators in recent years.

In order to ensure the consistency of the standards, This standard should be revised.

The necessity of revising this standard is explained from the following aspects: (1) the replacement of the standard.

requirements of the construction site.

Code for inspection of rack and pinion construction elevators on construction site (DB11 / t636-2009) is the inspection standard for rack and pinion construction elevators, which is mainly aimed at dual-purpose construction elevators for people and goods.

Some of the standards quoted in the code for inspection of rack and pinion construction elevators on construction site DB11 / t636-2009 and the code for inspection of wire rope construction elevators on construction site DB11 / 807-2011 have been invalidated or new versions have been released.

On December 26, 2020, Beijing construction machinery and material quality supervision and inspection station Co., Ltd.

At present, the dual-purpose construction elevator and cargo construction elevator used on the construction site have added the application of new design and new technology to meet the use and management requirements of the construction site.

However, since this standard has been used for nearly 10 years, it has been found in the inspection of “two construction sites” that some provisions are no longer suitable for the requirements of the construction elevators currently used, so it should be revised as a whole.

The national construction urban construction machinery quality supervision and inspection center, as the chief editor, CO organized the meeting to solicit opinions on the first draft of the inspection rules for tower cranes on construction site and the inspection procedures for elevators on construction site..

(4) .

9, Daji street, Tongzhou District, Beijing (please indicate “opinion collection” on the envelope) drafting instructions of Beijing Municipal Commission of housing and urban rural development on the draft of Beijing local standard “elevator inspection procedures on construction site” on January 24, 2022 Task source this procedure is organized and prepared in accordance with the notice requirements of Beijing local standard preparation and revision project plan in 2020 (Jingshi Jianfa [2020] No.

Announcement of the Beijing Municipal Commission of housing and urban rural development on soliciting public opinions on the Beijing local standard inspection procedures for construction site elevators according to the plan of the Beijing local standard preparation and revision project, the Beijing local standard inspection procedures for construction site elevators (Exposure Draft) organized and formulated by the Beijing Municipal Commission of housing and urban rural development has been completed, According to the requirements of the measures of Beijing Municipality for the administration of local standards, we are now soliciting opinions online.

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Contact: Wu Dawei Tel.: 010-55598482 Fax: 010-55597148 e-mail: Mailing address: Science and technology and village and Town Construction Office of Beijing Municipal Commission of housing and urban rural development, No.

Please fill in the “opinion feedback form” and give feedback to our committee by fax, e-mail or mail before February 24, 2022.

(3) The imperfection of the content of the current standard.

On August 25, 2020, the Construction Management Office of Beijing Municipal Commission of housing and urban rural development organized and held the landmark kick-off meeting of inspection rules for tower cranes on construction site and inspection procedures for elevators on construction site approved by the municipal market supervision and Administration Bureau.

The construction elevator has become the main means of vertical transportation of people and materials on the construction site.

Due to the continuous innovation of construction technology, the construction speed is relatively fast.

19) issued by Beijing Municipal Bureau of market supervision and administration.

For example, the construction elevator is equipped with overload protection device, intelligent control, power supply access system of sliding contact line, traction drive in hoistway, etc., which have been used on the construction elevator at the construction site, which not only improves the safety and applicability of the construction elevator, but also facilitates the on-site management.

4、 Main drafting process: 1.

For example, construction elevator GB / t10054-2005 has been invalidated, some provisions of safety code for construction elevator gb10055-2007 have been invalidated, GB / t5972-2006 code of practice for inspection and scrapping of steel wire ropes for cranes and DB11 / 383-2006 code of Beijing Municipality for the management of safety materials at construction sites of construction projects have been revised.

(2) The application of new design and new technology of dual-purpose construction elevator and cargo construction elevator.

Because the rack and pinion construction elevator also carries the task of transportation personnel, its safety performance requirements should be more strict.

organized a meeting to solicit the opinions of relevant units according to the draft of landmark.

How to ensure the safety of construction elevator and use reasonable and effective inspection methods to inspect construction elevator plays a vital role.

We welcome your valuable opinions.

Based on the above situation, organize relevant units and professional technicians to revise the inspection specification for rack and pinion construction elevator on construction site DB11 / t636-2009 and inspection specification for steel wire rope construction elevator on construction site DB11 / 807-2011, so as to improve the safety technical requirements of dual-purpose construction elevator on construction site, It is very important to make it more suitable for the actual use of construction elevators in use at the “two construction sites” construction site, and effectively prevent and reduce the occurrence of construction elevator accidents.


3、 The main drafting units are the national construction and urban construction machinery quality supervision and inspection center and Beijing University of architecture.

2、 Background and significance: since the implementation of inspection specification for rack and pinion construction elevators on construction site DB11 / t636-2009 and inspection specification for wire rope construction elevators on construction site DB11 / 807-2011, it has played a positive role in ensuring the safe use of construction elevators on “two construction sites”.