Happy New Year | Spring Festival construction “no closing” to write the most beautiful “dedication blessing”

19 managers and more than 100 construction workers voluntarily gave up their holidays and fought on the front line of project construction to catch up with the progress.

In order to speed up the construction progress, the project management personnel and operation teams speed up the construction rhythm day and night, and all staff work together in the same direction and steadily, so as to meet the new year with practical actions.

The whole project is united, screwed into a rope, resolutely “tighten the chord of the construction period and strictly control the quality”, and “start running” with a struggle attitude.

During the Spring Festival, the general contracting project of Guangxi Jinxiu international Yao medical hospital project (EPC), the general contracting project of procuratorial business comprehensive housing project of Liuzhou Railway Transportation Procuratorate, and the construction project of Merrill Lynch Bay project (phase I) undertaken by Jiandi 18th branch were busy and busy.

Jian No.

2 Jintou street, the scene was still in full swing.

Before the festival, the fire control, edge protection, external scaffolding, temporary power facilities, etc.

The sixth branch of Jianshan keeps the Spring Festival and thousands of families get together.

8 branch is busy.

They took the struggle attitude of “starting is a sprint and starting is a decisive battle”, Devote yourself to the project construction, ensure that each process is accurate and the quality meets the standard, strive to build safety projects and high-quality projects, and reflect a different flavor of the year with hard sweat.

In order to ensure the smooth realization of each node goal and complete the construction output value index task in the first quarter of 2022 ahead of schedule, the project department carefully organizes, scientifically plans, mobilizes its energy, continues to carry forward the spirit of “5 + 2”, “white + black” and “rain + sunny”, works overtime and makes silent contributions, and completes the management of each team, preparation of construction materials and safe and civilized construction, On the premise of ensuring construction safety and quality, grasp the construction progress of the project and conduct on-site construction in an orderly manner.

More than 100 people, including on-site construction management personnel and labor team, are busy on the site as usual.

At present, the main structure of the project has been completed to 28 floors, leaving only the last floor from the final capping.

In order to achieve the goal of “being popular throughout the year”, the project department optimizes the construction scheme, scientifically and reasonably arranges the construction, scientifically allocates personnel, materials and machines, and adopts cross operation.

In the 12th branch Pingxiang border export processing Industrial Park Phase II general contracting project and the dilapidated housing reform and housing reconstruction project at No.

In the early days of the Spring Festival in Jiandi 12th branch, the streets and alleys were decorated with lights and laughter.

The construction site of Debao county poverty alleviation Industrial Park infrastructure (phase I) construction project (zone II) of No.

During the Spring Festival of jiansi branch, the workers of the fourth branch of Ganzhou economic and Technological Development Zone Hakka Dayuan shantytown reconstruction and living quarters project voluntarily gave up their holidays, silently adhered to their jobs with the project managers, racing against time, reversing the construction period, forcing the plan and wall chart, closely focused on various indicators and tasks, while maintaining a good situation, The whole staff has “no division of labor”, “no confusion of thought, no dispersion of team, continuous work and no reduction in energy”.

During the Spring Festival of Jian No.2 Branch, the emergency linkage command center of Hezhou Public Security Bureau and the people’s police training school project of the second branch, in order to ensure the smooth breakthrough of phased nodes, project managers and construction personnel do not rely on each other, self pressurize, overall scheduling, sectional construction and multi-point operation, and conscientiously stick to the front line of rush work.

During the Spring Festival, the first branch Qinzhou ultra-thin glass substrate deep processing project, the industry city integration area (phase 5 of follow-up industry support base in centralized resettlement area) project of Zhendong poverty alleviation ecological resettlement and urbanization demonstration project in Long’an County, Guangxi printing demonstration Industrial Park project, Nanning bonded logistics center 8#, 9# 10# bonded warehouse project and other key projects firmly grasp the favorable opportunity to speed up the construction, arrange the construction period backwards, make concerted efforts and work quickly to ensure the smooth progress of various projects and the completion of various construction tasks on schedule with high quality, efficiency, safety and speed.

During the Spring Festival, in order to ensure the project nodes and high-quality performance, the third branch, Nanning Wuming District everyone Yucai future school project, has been put into full production power and sounded the clarion call.

will be comprehensively checked, the safety string will be tightened at all times, and the safety defense line will be built to ensure the safe and stable progress of construction and production.

The management personnel and construction personnel work together to refine and formulate construction measures, fully allocate human and equipment resources and ensure the on-site production demand on the premise of ensuring safety and quality, Seize the construction period, grasp the progress, and strive to meet the happy year of the tiger.

At the site of the replacement and reconstruction project of the Longzhushan area reconstruction project of the agricultural village committee of Litang Town, Binyang County, the sixth branch, a group of builders gave up the opportunity to reunite with their families and stuck to their posts.

On the site of Wusijiang reservoir reinforcement project in Gangnan District, Guigang City, Haihe No.

During the rush period, the safety production will not fall behind.

All managers and workers of the project department stick to their posts against the cold wind and rain, rush to work day and night, and firmly grasp the progress goal, Go all out to promote the project construction and ensure that the project progress objectives are fulfilled on time, quality and quantity.

1 branch, the construction scene in full swing can be seen everywhere.

Adhere to the “Spring Festival” of jianhaihe company, and the project construction of Haihe company will not stop and stop.

Steel Chamfer

The project personnel do not dismount their armour and horses, stick to their respective posts, summon up their energy, bravely compete for the first, reverse the nodes, ensure safety, grasp quality, rush the construction period and catch up with the progress, and overcome the difficulties and blocking points of project construction, Strive and struggle to contribute to the high-quality development of the company..

Different spring festival, the same struggle, the project from top to bottom, in order to ensure that the construction node can be realized on time after the festival.

8 branch is celebrating the Spring Festival.