Regulations on accident reporting, investigation and handling of special equipment for tower crane, construction elevator, hanging basket

The investigation and handling of special equipment accidents shall be practical and realistic, objective and fair, respect science, timely and accurately find out the process, causes and losses of the accident, find out the nature of the accident, determine the responsibility of the accident, and put forward handling suggestions and rectification measures.

Article 11 If any new situation occurs after the accident report or the situation has not been clearly reported, it shall be reported level by level in time.

Recently, the first executive meeting of the State Administration of market supervision adopted the provisions on the report, investigation and handling of special equipment accidents, which will be promulgated and will come into force on March 1, 2022.

The local market supervision and Administration Department of the accident unit shall cooperate with the relevant work of accident investigation and handling.

Director Zhang Gong’s regulations on the reporting, investigation and handling of special equipment accidents on January 20, 2022 (promulgated by order No.

Article 9 when reporting accident information level by level, the market supervision and administration department shall report it by fast and convenient means of communication, and report it through the special equipment accident management system at the same time.

The regulations on the report, investigation and handling of special equipment accidents (Order No.

If the place where the accident occurred is not in the same administrative region as the place where the accident occurred, the market supervision and Administration Department of the place where the accident occurred shall timely notify the market supervision and Administration Department of the place where the accident occurred.

50 of the State Administration of market supervision on January 20, 2022 and implemented as of March 1, 2022) Chapter I General Provisions Article 1 in order to standardize the reporting, investigation and handling of special equipment accidents, timely and accurately find out the causes of accidents, clarify accident responsibilities, and prevent and reduce accidents, These Provisions are formulated in accordance with the safety law of the people’s Republic of China on special equipment, the regulations on safety supervision of special equipment and other relevant laws and administrative regulations.

If necessary, the accident situation can be reported beyond the level.

For ordinary accidents and major accidents, the market supervision and administration department that receives the accident report shall timely notify the relevant departments at the same level.

In case of emergency, the relevant personnel at the scene of the accident can directly report to the market supervision and administration department at or above the county level in the place where the accident occurs.

Crown Foot Anchor

Article 6 No unit or individual may obstruct or interfere with the reporting, investigation and handling of special equipment accidents.

50 of the State Administration of market supervision) has been adopted at the first executive meeting of the State Administration of market supervision on January 7, 2022.

Article 8 after receiving the accident report of special equipment, the market supervision and administration department shall immediately organize investigation and verification.

Any unit or individual has the right to report illegal acts in the reporting, investigation and handling of special equipment accidents to the market supervision and administration department and other relevant departments, and the department receiving the report shall deal with them in a timely manner according to law.

The reporting time of each level shall not exceed 2 hours.

If it is a special equipment accident, it shall be reported to the people’s government at the same level, and reported level by level to the higher market supervision and administration department to the State Administration of market supervision and administration.

Article 10 the accident report shall include the following contents: (1) the time and place of the accident, the general situation of the unit and the type of special equipment; (2) Brief history of the accident, damage on site, casualties and number of people involved in the risk that have been or may be caused, and preliminary estimated direct economic losses; (3) Measures taken; (4) Name and contact number of the reporter; (5) Other situations that need to be reported.

The market supervision and administration departments at all levels shall, under the leadership of the people’s governments at the corresponding levels and the guidance of the market supervision and administration departments at higher levels, carry out the reporting, investigation and handling of special equipment accidents according to law.

No unit or individual shall delay, omit, lie or conceal the report.

Article 5 the accident report of special equipment shall be timely, accurate and complete.

If the number of casualties in the accident changes within 30 days from the date of the accident, it shall be reported in a timely manner within 24 hours of the change..

Article 2 the term “special equipment accident” as mentioned in these Provisions refers to the accident caused by the damage or failure of special equipment and its safety devices or accessories listed in the catalogue of special equipment due to its body, or the violation of special equipment laws, regulations, rules and safety technical specifications by personnel related to special equipment.

Special equipment in construction engineering include: tower crane, construction elevator, material hoist, frame and hoisting equipment.

It is hereby promulgated and shall enter into force as of March 1, 2022.

For major accidents, especially major accidents, the State Administration of market supervision and administration shall immediately report to the State Council and timely notify the relevant departments of the State Council.

Article 3 the following circumstances do not belong to the special equipment accidents mentioned in these Provisions: (1) accidents caused by special equipment specified in Article 100 of the special equipment safety law of the people’s Republic of China; (2) Accidents caused by force majeure such as natural disasters or external factors such as traffic accidents and fire accidents; (3) Accidents caused by man-made destruction or the use of special equipment to commit crimes; (4) Accidents occurring before the special equipment has the function of use or under non operating conditions such as disassembly, scrapping and transfer; (5) Accidents of special equipment operation, inspection and testing personnel due to improper or missing labor protection measures; (6) Accidents occurred when special motor vehicles in the site (factory) drive out of the specified factory area, scenic spot, amusement park and other specific areas.

Chapter II accident report Article 7 after the accident of special equipment, the relevant personnel at the scene of the accident shall immediately report to the person in charge of the accident unit; After receiving the report, the person in charge of the accident unit shall report to the market supervision and administration department at or above the county level and relevant departments in the place where the accident occurs within one hour.

If the site cannot be reported through the special equipment accident management system, it shall make a supplementary report through the system within 24 hours after receiving the accident report.

Article 4 the State Administration of market supervision is responsible for supervising and guiding the reporting, investigation and handling of special equipment accidents throughout the country.