Software practice | how to calculate the efficiency reduction and increase cost of soft rock large deformation tunnel construction?


It does not include the cost of measures taken for rock burst, high temperature and large deformation of soft rock, nor the cost of idling workers and equipment idle caused by rock burst, high temperature and large deformation of soft rock.

Table 5 classification standard for large deformation of soft rock deformation grade slight medium strong very strong rock mass strength stress ratio GN (RC)/ σ Max) 0.3 ≥ GN > 0.200.20 ≥ GN > 0.150.15 ≥ GN > 0.10gn ≤ 0.10 note: RC is the uniaxial saturated compressive strength of rock (MPA), σ Max is the maximum in-situ stress (MPA).

The additional cost for reducing the efficiency of tunnel construction with large deformation in soft rock shall be calculated according to the following algorithm according to the large deformation grade of soft rock.

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(fixed working days) × Unit price of comprehensive labor cost in preparation period × Increase range of fixed working days of soft rock large deformation tunnel + number of fixed construction machines and tools × Unit price of construction machines and tools in preparation period × Quota of construction machines and tools for large deformation tunnel in soft rock (increase range) × (1 + tax rate).

Specify the quota to be adjusted: including excavation, slag discharge, ventilation, pipe line and monitoring measurement quota, as shown in the table below..

The increased cost for reducing the efficiency of tunnel construction with rock burst, high temperature and large deformation of soft rock refers to the increased cost caused by the reduction of work efficiency of labor and construction machines and tools affected by rock burst, high temperature and large deformation of soft rock during the construction of main tunnel and auxiliary tunnel.



The grade of large deformation in soft rock of tunnel is divided according to the table below.

Note 2 For the large deformation tunnel in soft rock in plateau area, the increase range of construction quota of large deformation tunnel in soft rock shall be adjusted according to the increase range of construction quota in plateau area in the design estimate (budget) cost quota of Railway Capital Construction Engineering (tzj3001-2017).

Among them, the quota work days and quota construction machines and tools shifts refer to the labor and construction machines and tools shifts consumption of excavation, slag discharge, ventilation, pipe lines and monitoring measurement quotas in the design budget of tunnel soft rock large deformation section.

02 calculation method of increasing cost of reducing efficiency in soft rock large deformation tunnel construction 1.

The increase range of construction quota of soft rock large deformation tunnel is listed in the table below.

Table 6 increase range of construction quota of tunnel with large deformation in soft rock the grade of section with large deformation in soft rock is slight, medium and strong increase range of quota working days (%) 5273159 increase range of quota construction machine shift (%) 4360137 note 1 The increase range of quota in extremely strong and large deformation sections needs to be analyzed separately.

01 calculation principle of reducing efficiency and increasing cost of tunnel construction with large deformation in soft rock 1.

Clarify the grade of soft rock large deformation section.