Super complete construction technical disclosure, mixed construction site must be able to!

“Four new” technical disclosure: the technical director of the project shall organize relevant professionals to prepare and disclose.

It shall meet and reflect the intention and specific requirements of the technical disclosure of the superior technical leader, and shall meet and implement the requirements of the construction organization design or construction scheme, including the requirements of “technical measures and construction progress”.

(7) Finished product protection (8) safety and environment (9) construction precautions 2 contents of construction technical disclosure (1) contents of technical disclosure conducted by the chief engineer of the construction unit to the project manager and the technical director of the project shall include the following main aspects: ① project overview and various technical and economic indicators and requirements; ② Main construction methods, key construction technologies and problems existing in implementation; ③ Technical treatment details and precautions of special engineering parts; ④ Construction technical requirements, implementation scheme and precautions of new technology, new process, new material and new structure; ⑤ Construction organization design network plan, schedule requirements, construction deployment, construction machinery, labor arrangement and organization; ⑥ Mutual cooperation between the general contractor and subcontractors and the handling of relevant problems; ⑦ Construction quality standards and safety technology; ⑧ Try to adopt the construction methods and other standardized operations implemented by the unit..

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The technical disclosure shall {not include “matters not covered” for reference ××××× (specification) implementation “and other similar contents.

All national technical standards must be implemented, including measurement units and names.


② Technical disclosure of special construction scheme: the professional technical director of the project shall be responsible for the disclosure to the professional foreman according to the special construction scheme.

The construction technical disclosure shall be organized by the technical director of the project and specifically prepared by the professional foreman and / or professional technical director.

(3) Technical disclosure of design change technical disclosure of design change: the project technical department shall disclose to the professional foreman according to the change requirements and in combination with specific construction steps, measures and precautions.



For construction personnel at different levels, the depth and detail of technical disclosure are different, That is to say, the content depth and explanation method of disclosure to different personnel should be targeted.

Its purpose is to make the technicians and workers involved in the construction of construction projects familiar with and understand the characteristics, design intent, technical requirements, construction technology and problems that should be paid attention to.

(2) The construction technical disclosure of subdivisional works shall be disclosed by the professional foreman to the professional construction team (or professional subcontractor).

It can play a guiding role in engineering construction and has pertinence, guidance and operability.

Through technical disclosure, every worker participating in the construction operation of the project can understand the specific work contents, operation methods, construction technology, quality standards and safety precautions of the divisional and subdivisional works to be completed, so as to ensure that the construction operators have clear tasks, have a clear mind and carry out the construction in an orderly manner, so as to reduce various common quality problems and improve the construction quality.

The technical disclosure shall strive to achieve: the main items are complete, the contents are specific and clear, comply with the specifications, highlight the key points, express accurately, take the value according to the data, and supplement the diagram when necessary.



The role of technical disclosure is to enable each technician involved in construction activities to clarify the specific construction conditions, construction organization, specific technical requirements and targeted key technical measures of the project, and systematically master the overall picture of the project construction process and key parts of the construction.



The disclosure of construction organization design of other projects shall be carried out by the technical director of the project.

(4) The special disclosure of surveying works shall be made by engineering technicians to the surveyors.

3、 Preparation content of technical disclosure 1 Preparation format of technical disclosure (1) project overview (2) work content and workload (3) quality, safety, progress, civilized construction, environmental protection and other objectives (4) construction preparation ① material preparation; ② Preparation of machines and tools; ③ Operation conditions and personnel preparation.


1、 Function and classification of technical disclosure 1 what is construction technical disclosure? Technical disclosure is a very important technical management work of construction enterprises, the continuation and improvement of construction scheme, and the last pass of project quality pre control.

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(5) Operation process ① process flow; ② Operation preparation; ③ Construction technology.

Meet and realize various technical requirements in the design and construction drawings.

3 Classification of construction technical disclosure (1) construction organization design disclosure ① key and large-scale project construction organization design disclosure: the technical director of the construction enterprise shall disclose the main design requirements, construction measures and important matters to the main management personnel of the project.

2、 The preparation and technical disclosure of construction specifications must meet the corresponding requirements of construction quality assessment and technical acceptance.

(5) Safety technical disclosure the technical personnel in charge of project management shall disclose the technical requirements related to safe construction to the construction team and operators.

(6) Quality standard ① main control items; ② General items; ③ Quality control point.

The construction technical disclosure shall be carried out before the project construction.

After being approved by the technical director of the project, the professional foreman and / or professional technical director shall disclose to the construction team leader and all construction operators.

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