Construction technology | Zhongliang real estate has laid off a large number of employees, leaving cars to protect the commander!

It is reported that from January 17, 2022, all employees will go through the resignation procedures according to the notice and schedule of the human resources department.

According to media reports, the framework integration involves 345 people from three departments, including 148 people from the headquarters of the holding group, 164 people from the new infrastructure support group and 33 people from other organizations, of which more than 80 return on the basis of merit.

For example, the businesses of Beijing Tianjin Hebei group, Guangdong Hong Kong Macao group, Yangtze River delta group and other sectors that split from the real estate group and are at the same level with the real estate group have recently been merged back into the real estate group.

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Zhongliang required the personnel of the investment line to unconditionally obey the work assignment, help with marketing and financing, and eliminate those who did not obey the arrangement.

In 2019, Zhongliang, which is familiar with the high turnover mode, achieved a full caliber sales volume of 152.7 billion yuan.

This merger eventually led to 20% of the 50 layoffs.

According to the unaudited operation data of December disclosed by Zhongliang not long ago, the contract sales amount (full caliber) of Zhongliang from January to December 2021 was 171.8 billion yuan, a slight increase compared with the same period, but the sales of a single month in December fell year-on-year.

On January 17, according to the reporter of 21st Century Business Herald, Zhongliang laid off more than 200 people this time.

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In this model, the company is divided into many small groups called “amoeba”.

Zhongliang announced on december29,2021 that the notes of January 2022 with a total accumulated principal of US $68.81 million (accounting for about 27.52% of the initial issuance principal) have been cancelled..

According to the daily economic news, the brand head of Zhongliang real estate responded that the holding group is mainly engaged in some innovative development businesses other than real estate.

Zhongliang’s enthusiasm for the amoeba model also means that the regional merger is bound to lead to the overlap of many business personnel, and layoffs are inevitable.

In 2021, in the cold winter of the real estate industry, the personnel unrest of Zhongliang also began to pass on to the management.

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Subsequently, Li Heli, the former executive director and co CEO of Zhongliang holdings, left.

This further aggravated the personnel unrest in Zhongliang.

Zhongliang spent three years of crazy expansion, jumping from the full caliber sales of 33.7 billion yuan in 2016 to the full caliber sales of 150billion, which also makes Zhongliang often known as “little country garden” and “dark horse”.

Zhongliang’s management said that the specific number of layoffs is dynamic.

At present, the listed company system is relatively stable.

Subsequently, Zhongliang merged the original 12 regional groups to form seven regions.

Later, Zhongliang established the first large region, the southern region, and merged the Zhejiang Guangzhou regional group into the southern region.

Moreover, the holding organization is not a listed company system, but only a platform for (bosses) to study new businesses.

At present, the management has begun to focus on the main real estate business and remove some non real estate development businesses.

In October, 2021, Zhongliang Shandong regional group reported the news of the marketing shift of the investment line.

On January 17, Zhongliang announced that the group had remitted all necessary funds from its domestic bank account in China to its overseas bank account for repayment of the remaining principal amount and accrued interest when the notes expire in January 2022 (i.e.

Employees who have not clearly defined their positions will be dismissed.

Now the real estate market is down, and the transactions in some third – and fourth tier cities in Zhongliang layout have dropped precipitously, so the “blood transfusion” function of the main business is naturally greatly weakened.

After listing, Zhongliang began to seek transformation from the previous high leverage and rapid expansion mode, and the pace of business expansion began to slow down.

In addition, more than 100 people in the three business segments of “Financial Sharing”, “informatization” and “audit” were transferred to the real estate group.

Layoffs will be paid in accordance with the “n+1” (including performance salary) stipulated by law.

January 31, 2022).

For Zhongliang, who is keen on the “amoeba model”, such regional consolidation also means large-scale layoffs.

Amoeba model was first established by Kazuo Inamori.

The adjustment made within the company in the last half year is to “converge” the real estate group business.

Each small group has a considerable degree of independence and operates independently as an independent profit center.

Zhongliang first replaced the presidents of three regions, which also led to the fact that among the six regions of Zhongliang, except weiguangzhou, the president of Zhejiang region, the other five became post-80s generation.

At the same time, Zhongliang began to make intensive personnel and organizational structure adjustment, and regional consolidation and layoffs became the main tone of Zhongliang in 2019.

The employee welfare expenses in January will be settled to January, including leave and reimbursement.

In the same year, Zhongliang was listed in Hong Kong stock market, and 2019 became the highlight year of Zhongliang.

It is understood that the funds Yang Jian invested in incubating innovative businesses came from the money earned in the bonus cycle of Zhongliang real estate.

In this year, Zhongliang first merged the southern regional company under Zhejiang Fujian Guangdong regional group into Zhongliang Zhejiang Guangdong regional group.

At present, it has not reached 200.

Yang Jian had to “break his arm to survive”.

Organizational structure adjustment “structure adjustment” is a hot word for Zhongliang, which has been listed since 2019.

Star sign setting method: enter the home page of official account and click “…” in the upper right corner, Click “set as star” and a yellow five pointed star will appear next to the public name (Android and IOS users operate the same) Guide: readjust the organizational structure of Zhongliang holdings! According to the plan, the relevant functions of the headquarters of Zhongliang holding group are integrated with the headquarters of the real estate group, and some employees of the holding headquarters are transferred to the real estate group.