Online version of construction project construction management of second construction company in 2022

the latest start time of work B is the 10th day, and the total time difference is 2 days.

Therefore, the earliest start time of work C is the 8th day, and work a lasts for 4 days, and the earliest start time of work 2 days, Therefore, the earliest completion time of work a is the 5th day, so the free time difference of work a is 8-6=2 days 7 As for the claim establishment conditions, the error is ().

cost plus remuneration contract [answer] c3 The period of validity of the quality management system certification of the construction enterprise is () years.


It can accurately express the absolute deviation of the cost B.


among the following methods for preventing and controlling water pollution at the construction site, the correct one is 0.

It is forbidden to use toxic and hazardous wastes as earthwork backfill to avoid polluting water sources.

1 according to the standard construction bidding document, the items that are not within the scope of project change are ().


on June 11, please pay attention! The opening areas: Zhejiang, Sichuan, Shandong, Hunan, Hubei, Henan, Fujian, Jiangxi, Guangxi, Liaoning, Heilongjiang, Jilin, Gansu, Ningxia, Xinjiang and Tibet.

according to the construction labor subcontract for construction projects (model text), () is responsible for handling or obtaining insurance for the equipment to be installed that is transported to the construction site 1 for labor construction.


It is easy to predict the progress deviation [answer] a [analysis] the bar chart method has the advantages of being visual, intuitive and clear at a glance.


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Click “pay attention” to update all the “construction management of Construction Engineering” of the second construction company in 2022 later.

VI [answer] C [analysis] the validity period of the enterprise’s approved certification is three years.

change the quality or other characteristics of any work in the contract [answer] B [analysis] according to the provisions of the general conditions of contract in the standard construction bidding document, unless otherwise agreed in the special conditions of contract.

(5) Additional work required to complete the project.


compared with the contract, the event has caused the Contractor’s additional project cost or direct duration loss.

Work a has two tight work B and C.


It can intuitively reflect the change trend of the cost deviation C.


After the enterprise is approved for certification, it shall conduct regular internal audit to maintain the effectiveness of the quality management system, and accept the supervision and management of the enterprise quality management system implemented by the certification body once a year.

The reason why the cost increases into duration loss is not the Contractor’s behavior responsibility or risk responsibility according to the contract.

Chemicals and additives at the construction site shall be properly stored in the warehouse to prevent water pollution.

toxic and hazardous wastes shall be backfilled to avoid polluting the water source.

employer C.


(4) Change the construction time of any work in the contract or change the approved construction process or sequence.


The sewage shall be directly discharged into the urban sewage pipe through the drainage ditch.


compared with curve method, the advantages of bar chart method for comprehensive deviation analysis of construction project cost and schedule are ().

In 2022, the grade II constructor will take a two-day examination of the construction management of the third division.

If there is any question deviation, you are welcome to give feedback.

fixed unit price table is the same as C.




2 [answer] B [analysis] the free time difference of work is the minimum value that does not affect the earliest start time of tight work.

C error.

labor subcontractor D.

Then the free time difference of work a is () days.


fixed total price contract D.


change the baseline, elevation, position or size of the contract project D.


(3) Change the baseline, elevation, position or dimension of the contract works.

the amount of cost increases into duration loss is huge, The establishment of the claim beyond the normal bearing range of the contractor should meet the following three preconditions: (1) compared with the contract, the event has caused additional expenditure of the Contractor’s project cost or direct duration loss.

Therefore, the earliest start time of work B is the 8th day, and the earliest completion time of work C is the 9th day, and the duration is 2 days.

It is easy to express the relative deviation of the progress D.

project contractor B.

equipment manufacturer [answer] a [analysis] The materials and equipment to be installed transported to the construction site for labor construction shall be insured by the project contractor, and the labor subcontractor is not required to pay the insurance premium.





if work a lasts for 4 days and starts on the second day at the earliest, there are two urgent tasks: work B lasts for 1 day and starts on the 10th day at the latest, with a total time difference of 2 days; Work C lasts for 2 days and is completed on the 9th day at the earliest.

 special emphasis: the following are the answers to the real questions sorted out according to the candidates’ memories.

Adjustable total price contract B.



D error..

chemicals shall be stored in closed containers in the open air in a temporary canteen with more than 100 people.

additional work required to complete the project B.

cancel any work in the contract and transfer the work to others C.

The pricing method usually adopted in the procurement contract of construction engineering equipment is ().

In case of any of the following circumstances during the performance of the contract, the change shall be made in accordance with the provisions of this article: (1) any work in the contract shall be cancelled, but the cancelled work shall not be transferred to the employer or other persons.

The Contractor submits the notice of intention to claim and the claim report according to the procedures and time specified in the contract.

The main contents of supervision and management after the approval of certification include enterprise notification, supervision and inspection, certification cancellation, certification suspension, certification revocation, re evaluation and certificate renewal.

It can accurately express the absolute deviation of the cost and visually indicate the severity of the deviation.

(2) The reason for cost increase or duration loss is not the behavior responsibility or risk responsibility of the contractor according to the contract.

The sewage produced by acetylene generating tank shall be stored in a special container and then poured into the sedimentation tank for treatment.

(3) The Contractor shall submit notice of intention to claim and claim report according to the procedures and time specified in the contract.


Examination time: 9:00-12:00 a.m.

(2) Change the quality or other characteristics of any work in the contract.
