Cost insight: what should construction enterprises do during the 14th Five Year Plan period?

Recommended reading ↓↓↓ Hua Dong | China | experience sharing of practitioners of data-driven cost fine management | using historical projects to build a digital cost think tank, and the Third Engineering Bureau of China Construction Second Engineering Group Co., Ltd.

For the cost control personnel of enterprises, it is recommended to pay special attention to the relevant chapters of “promoting green construction methods, building an Internet platform for construction enterprises, improving the operation mechanism of the construction market, deepening the reform of the bidding system, implementing the project guarantee system, deepening the reform of project costs, accelerating the pace of” going global “in the construction industry, and improving the external contracting capacity of enterprises”.

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What should construction enterprises do during the tenth “fourteenth five year plan”? “Speaker: Tian Wei, professor level senior engineer, executive director of China Society of civil engineering, director of the construction branch of China Chamber of foreign contractors, senior member of the British Society of Civil Engineering Surveyors, vice chairman of the Foreign Investment Committee of the expert committee of China International Engineering Consulting Association, vice chairman of the expert committee of China Chamber of Commerce for import and export of mechanical and electrical products, and Academic Committee of China Society for International Economic Cooperation Members.

An international friend once told me half jokingly that China’s national bird must be the crane, because the crane is the same word as the tower crane in English – in China, when you go out for a walk, you can see all the tower cranes that build houses! With the implementation of the fourteenth five year plan for national economic and social development and the long-term goal outline for 2035, the Ministry of housing and urban rural development issued the “fourteenth five year plan” for the development of the construction industry in January 2022, pointing out that “the fourteenth Five Year Plan period is the starting point of the new development stage, an opportunity period for realizing urban renewal and promoting new urbanization, and a key period for accelerating the transformation and development of the construction industry.” The micro operation of enterprises must closely follow the national macro policies, find the right direction and find business opportunities.

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The specific suggestions are based on the relevant chapters in the above documents, With a clear mind, carefully study and study the new version of the pricing standard of bill of quantities issued by the Ministry of housing and urban rural development in 2020 and the 2020 gf-2020-0216 general contracting contract for construction projects (model text), which are two practical documents, think on the ground, face competition, adjust themselves and embrace change.

to achieve standardization and refinement of cost estimation! Goodbye, completion settlement! The Ministry of housing and urban rural development stressed again that the settlement and payment of construction costs should be fully implemented! Nearly 30 provinces follow up the issue editor: Ma Xiao audio clip: Zhu Jing reviewed by: Li Mei..