Housing construction projects can be divided into “three stages” to apply for construction permits! All use the same project code

The handling time limit of engineering quality and safety supervision procedures and civil air defense engineering quality supervision procedures (air defense basement) shall be included in the processing time limit of construction permit issuance, which shall not exceed 3 working days at most.

Recently, Guangzhou housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau issued the notice on standardizing the use of housing construction project codes and project names.

Divided into two stages: the first two stages of the three stages can be combined into “construction below ± 0.000”, that is, apply for construction permit according to the two stages of “construction below ± 0.000” and “construction above ± 0.000”; 3.

The construction permit of all new housing construction projects (excluding projects that have started) within the scope of Taiyuan can be handled in two stages: “earth excavation and pile foundation” and “main body construction”.

After determining the construction (or Engineering) general contractor, the construction unit can divide the project into “foundation pit support and earthwork excavation”, “basement”, “more than ± 0.000” and other stages to apply for construction licenses according to the needs of the project construction.

The single building area is 20000 square meters and above; 4.

Stage by stage: you can also directly apply for the construction permit of the whole project, that is, you can normally perform the procedures of handling the construction permit of the construction project.

Scope of phased application for the construction project that meets one of the following conditions, after having the drawings and other elements that meet the construction requirements, the construction unit can apply for the construction permit in stages: 1.

In this project, when applying for the construction permit of a certain stage again, the same project code and supervision registration number are used, and it is regarded as the same project.

Residential quarters with a total construction area of 80000 square meters and above; 5.

There are three stages: the construction permit can be applied for according to the three stages of “foundation pit support and earthwork excavation construction”, “basement and foundation engineering construction” and “construction above ± 0.000”; 2.

Original link: http://xzspglj.taiyuan.gov.cn/doc/2021/10/20/1198052.shtml04 On August 31, 2021, Hefei Construction Bureau issued the notice on the phased handling (Trial Implementation) of the construction permit of construction projects.

Original link: http://zjt.shandong.gov.cn/art/2021/7/7/art_122441_10294621.html?xxgkhide=102 On June 17, 2021, Henan issued the notice of Henan Province on deepening the reform of the approval system for engineering construction projects and optimizing the implementation plan for the business environment of building permits.


The height is 100 meters and above, or the span is 30 meters and above; 3.

Shuttering Magnets

Housing and urban rural construction and civil air defense departments at all levels should strictly perform their duties of supervision during and after the event, and follow up supervision and inspection in a timely manner by means of “double random and one open”.

Original link: https://hnjs.henan.gov.cn/2021/07-06/2177613.html03 On October 20, 2021, Taiyuan issued the notice on the phased handling of construction permits for housing construction projects.

Original link: http://cxjsj.hefei.gov.cn/zwgk/tzgg/18137113.html05 On February 4, 2021, Fuzhou issued the implementation opinions on the phased issuance of construction permits for housing construction projects (for Trial Implementation)..

No unit or individual shall break down the project that should apply for a construction permit into several projects below the limit, so as to avoid applying for a construction permit.


The “construction project quality supervision procedures”, “construction project safety supervision procedures”, “civil air defense project quality supervision procedures (air defense basement)” and “construction project construction permit issuance” of housing construction projects are merged into “construction project construction permit issuance”.

The number of floors is 22 or more; 2.

After determining the construction general contractor, the construction unit can independently choose to apply for the construction permit in stages or as a whole according to the project design and construction sequence.

From January 1, 2022, housing construction and municipal projects with a project investment of less than 1 million yuan (included) or a construction area of less than 500 square meters (included) may not apply for a construction permit.

The construction unit shall clarify the construction scope and name of the project and obtain a unique project code and supervision registration number when applying for the project in stages for the first time.

Other qualified construction projects have been confirmed.

Division of project construction permit application by stages the construction unit shall apply for the construction permit according to the following stages according to the sequence of construction progress: 1.

The original application form for construction permit of Construction Engineering (parallel approval of quality and safety supervision) is adjusted to the application form for construction permit of Construction Engineering (parallel approval of quality and safety and civil air defense engineering supervision).

Construction of two or more floors of basement, or large pile foundation, or deep foundation pit engineering; 6.


Which other regions can apply in stages? 01 Shandong Provincial Department of housing and urban rural development and other departments issued the notice on further optimizing the business environment in the process of housing construction and municipal infrastructure engineering construction permit.



Since the date of issuance of this notice, the city’s housing construction projects (including the integrated pipe gallery) shall uniformly use the project name, project code or supervision number recorded on the Guangzhou housing construction project quality and safety integration supervision system (Guangzhou housing construction APP) to implement concrete quality tracking, incoming material inspection, on-site quality inspection, etc.

According to regulations, housing construction projects (including integrated pipe gallery) can be divided into “three stages” to apply for construction permits.
