[Knowledge of industrial injury insurance] Issue 20: How can construction enterprises prevent industrial injury?

Local human resources and social security departments should work with relevant departments to actively carry out publicity and training on industrial injury prevention in the construction industry, and take construction workers, especially migrant workers, as the focus of publicity and training.

★ Construction enterprises shall do a good job in the publicity and training of industrial injury insurance policies.

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The purpose of industrial injury prevention is to reduce and avoid industrial accidents and occupational diseases from the source, and achieve the ultimate goal of “zero industrial injury” and “zero injury”.

How to prevent work-related injuries in construction enterprises? Industrial injury prevention refers to the use of economic, management and technical means to prevent industrial accidents and occupational diseases in advance, improve and create working conditions conducive to safety and health, reduce the hidden dangers of industrial accidents and occupational diseases, and protect the safety and health of workers in the labor process.

The general construction contractor shall, in accordance with the pattern uniformly stipulated by the human resources and social security department of the project location, make the bulletin board of the project’s participation in industrial injury insurance, publicize it at a prominent position on the construction site, and arrange training courses on industrial injury prevention and industrial injury insurance policy explanation, so as to protect the right to know of the majority of construction workers, especially migrant workers, and enhance their awareness of safeguarding their rights according to law.


Local human resources and social security departments should work with relevant departments to strengthen the publicity of industrial injury insurance policies, so that the majority of workers know their legally entitled rights and interests in industrial injury insurance and relevant procedures.

Establish and improve the multi-level training system of government departments, industry associations, construction enterprises, etc., constantly improve the safety production awareness, work-related injury rights protection awareness and post skills of construction workers, and control and reduce safety accidents from the source.

★ In August 2017, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, together with the Ministry of Finance, the Health and Family Planning Commission and the State Administration of Work Safety, formulated and issued the Interim Measures for the Administration of the Use of Industrial Injury Prevention Fees (RSBG [2017] No.

Fangzi Financial Media Editor: Yang Fei Wang Yunhui | Reviewed by: Zhao Yan..