Clean Room Construction Acceptance Form-10 – Construction Log

Flat Rubber Recess Former

[Purify Xiaoqiang] The most direct purpose of construction is acceptance.

Construction log date: Month Day Week Weather condition Wind maximum/minimum temperature Remarks Day and night production record: (part project, mechanical operation, team work, production problems, etc.) Technical quality and safety work record: (technical quality and safety activities, technical quality and safety problems, inspection, evaluation and acceptance, etc.) Magnetotherapy The person in charge of the entry record of components and parts can click 1 – Form 47 for more details, Collection after completion 2 – Project overview table 3 – Completion acceptance record of unit (sub unit) project quality 4 – Verification record of unit (sub unit) project quality control data 5 – Verification record of unit (sub unit) project safety and function inspection data and spot check record of main functions 6 – Unit (sub unit) Project appearance quality inspection records 7 – Project completion report 8 – Construction site quality management inspection records 9 – List of project construction management personnel 10 – Construction log More purification communication groups, recognition and implementation of group rules, all welcome “Purification of four groups, compliance can enter” (open the link to view details.) For more purification materials, please refer to “Borrow more than 90 purification materials for free 20220916”, “40 purification materials only cost 1 yuan”, “Video, audio, articles, all the purification you want are here”.

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After acceptance, the project payment can be collected, and customers can also use it.

What acceptance forms are there for clean room construction? This information is shared by seniors who have been engaged in purification industry for decades.

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