Chuzhou Project will patrol the construction site

Text/picture Wang Wei.

Project construction, seize every day, where the project is, where our home is.

While ensuring the safe construction of the project, it is our mission to let everyone spend a civilized, orderly and peaceful Spring Festival.

Wu Xin, the project manager, led the project team to inspect the construction site.

Fixing Socket Cross Pin

During the Spring Festival, all construction personnel of the project shall be strictly on duty and prepare for work, do a good job in all emergency work, maintain smooth communication, and report the situation from the top to the bottom; The leader in charge of the shift shall clarify the responsibilities, eliminate the hidden dangers, complete the work according to the specific characteristics of the Spring Festival, focus on the key links of the project, grasp the node requirements, and ensure the safety and quality while seizing the construction period; All on-the-job personnel of the project will stand on their posts and do their duties in the best state, and undertake the major mission of promoting the construction of the project.

On January 22, on the first day of the Lunar New Year, the construction of the Chuzhou Lishen Battery Base project was in full swing.